Chile UBF Annual Report

  • by WMD
  • May 09, 2017
  • 1315 reads

2 Tim 4:2a, “Preach the word; be prepared in season and out season…”

1. One-to-one Bible Study.  

  Starting this year, God gave a direction to live a life to constantly preach the word to my soul. And he helped me to live a life caught by the word. I have discovered that preaching the word was a natural image as a missionary, and when I shared the word, I have realized that there was joy in my heart regardless of fruits. But most of all, I prayed for aiming at preaching the word for raising disciples. So I tried to learn how to communicate with each one deeply, fishing a few people rather than fishing and preaching many people. 

 God allowed Alejandro(a College of Engineering 1), Franklin (Physical Education 3), and Christopher (Chemical Analysis 3) as one-to-one sheep among them. These are still only God’s lambs. I pray to serve with patience until they grow to become disciples of Jesus. And Brother Manuel did not open his heart after a blind left eye accidentally, but  a steady one-to-one Bible study has helped him to have a hope of God.
  This year, there was a  God’s work in which M. Hannah joined the one-to-one Bible Study. She was employed for four years, but the company was suddenly withdrew due to sluggish earnings. She was laid off. I was worried if she should  look for a job, but she appreciated that she lost the job and accepted that it was time to devote herself to one-to-one work without job. 

  At the middle of this year, M. Hannah has joined the one-to-one Bible Study and gotten faithful sheep, such as Catalina (a graduate of Art College) and Francisca (Philosophy 3). They constantly studied one-to-one Bible every week and served a special song at Christmas worship service. Thank God for helping us to learn a soul’s importance through a change of sheep. May God continue to use my family in God’s work of disciple-making through one-to-one Bible study.

2.  A Work of God’s Word and Sunday Worship Service.
  God has given us abundant fruits of Word through Luke gospel. When my wife worked, it was hard for me to cook, to prepare lunch for three persons, including my children, and to do house work, while doing a small business. Sitting down at the desk to write a message, as I would  first think about tomorrow's lunch menu, I could not concentrate on Sunday message preparation. So, I could barely finish it, preparing for Sunday worship message little by little, every early morning prayer’s time. But God has given an abundant grace to our family through the Luke gospel.
  God helped me to move from apartment to house early this year. At the house, we could relatively feel free to offer the Sunday worship service. But it was still difficult to invite one person to the worship. We continued to pray for the level of 10 attendants at the Sunday worship service, and concentrated on one to one Bible Study. 

  At the end of the year, God let sixteen persons, including sheep, such as Catalina and Francisca, and a missionary family of Luis and Josmary from Venezuela, attend the Sunday worship service and fill a small living room. We thank God for a grace that he has helped our home and Luis-Josmary’s home to pray for the work of Chile to be performed in God’s vision. God may help us to keep having the level of 15 attendants at the worship in the New Year, 2017.

3. A CME: A Continuing Missionaries Education.
  In early September, God sent Dr. John and Sunji Jun to Chile and granted us grace through the CME ministry. They were tired of their continuing journey, but they served Chile’s missionaries with word of God and helped the weak second-generation with a very personal love. Dr. John Jun helped missionaries and sheep with compassion heart like Jesus. Our family appreciated God learning what the life of true humility and devotion was, through the service of Dr. John and Sunji Jun.

4. A Venezuelan Missionary Family.
  In early December, God sent a missionary family of Luis and Josmary from Venezuela to Chile. They are those who love God with their hearts and have a passion to be about devote themselves to God’s work. Although they were in Chile for less than two weeks, they were passionate enough to serve them, inviting a family from Venezuela to Christmas worship service. And now, they are talented persons that M. Luis works in an international accounting firm in Chile, and M. Josmary also worked for the same company. Thank God for sending this precious missionary family to Chile. The Lord may help our family to form a vessel of good co-working with Luis’ family, that He may make a big progress in the Chilean campus gospel history through it, and further He may bless Chile greatly as a Kingdom of Priests.

5.  Self-support and Health Care.
  M. Hannah Chun suddenly lost her job, because her company was withdrew, and I worried about my family living for a while. But God has helped us to believe that it was a self-supporting time through a small business that we have been doing. Two months later, God has helped us to nearly achieve a self-support through the business. It has been growing still very slow, but gradually. He has also helped me to spend this year with stewardship for health.

6. Repentance and the New Year’s Direction.
  When I look back on the past year, I realize that despite my weakness and sinfulness, God is still good because God has led me to his good Will in the Word. When I see a mission co-worker family, I have often thought that my wife, Hannah and I must have a more spiritual responsibility for it in our hearts. God has granted the Romans 12:1 as a personal key verse to my heart: "Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies, as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God- this is your true and proper worship." I pray that God may help me to devote myself more to the Word and prayer this year, and to serve God's work faithfully.

7. Prayer topics:
 1) For one Abraham and one Sarah, and 15 teams of one to one Bible study,15 attendants at the Sunday worship service.
  2) For a work of the Word, based on the Genesis.
  3) For a united co-work of two missionary families.
  4) For raising twelve disciples and 50 attendants at the Sunday worship service by 2020(M. Josue Chun).