Guatemala UBF Easter Bible Conference 2017

  • by WMD
  • Apr 27, 2017
  • 1329 reads

Jesus, my good Shepherd

John 10:11 “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.”

I.  The Conference.

  God preciously led our Summer Bible Conference of 2017 from April 13th to the 16th about the gospel of John, which took place in a mission center, called “Friends of Guatemala” in the department of Jutiapa, 118 kilometers from the capital city. Thirty five persons attended and for the first time, a formal conference for children in CBF was prepared. We found this place with the support of some Korean missionaries who were friends of Missionary Josué Ham.

  First. The word of God.

The first day, we began with the opening message, “Born again,” John 3:3 by Shp. Edwar, in which we learned the importance of being born again every day so that the kingdom of God could reign our hearts.

  The second day, Raul, an undergraduate student at the Department of Science of Communication in a private university, served the message, “Jesus, my good Shepherd,” John 10:11. He shared that Jesus was the only one who had the power to graze or take care of us in this time, and he is growing as a good co-worker candidate. In the evening message, Shps. Sara Ham, a graduate in management of resources and officer in the Guatemalan military, shared a presentation with us about “Give me a drink,” John 4:3, reminding us that men had many and different types of thirsts, but only the living water of Jesus could quench our thirst.

  On the third day, we received the message, “It is finished,” John 19:30 by Shp. Ivan, in which we saw the love of God who sent Jesus to do everything to save us from sin and death, to the point that he gave his life for us. The evening message was “Do you love me?,” John 21:15. Shps. Aurora shared that the unconditional love of Jesus was always with us although we didn’t deserve it. 

  We finished the fourth day with a Sunday worship service, “Be steadfast,” 1 Corinthians 15:58 by M. Gideon Kim. We remembered that our work was not in vain and with the faith of resurrection we would constantly keep growing in faith.

  Second. The activities and new leaders.

In the morning we had the program of having daily bread, and then we studied the Bible and we wrote and shared testimonies. All those in charge prepared and served with responsibility and joy; despite the fact that most of them were tired and busy, they gave the first place to God. We have received a lot of encouragement and hope to raise new leaders through native shepherds and the second-generation. 

  Ruben, a Systems Engineering student in a public university, came to our conference last year. This year he came with an owner´s heart, shared testimony, and led the traditional dance of “Soy de Zacapa” and the drama, “Jesus is my good Shepherd.” Maria Fernanda, an undergraduate student in International Affairs, sharing her testimony, served as the director of the CBF ministry, and sister Yuri, Shps. Silvia and Shps. Aurora helped her. Shp. Raul, sharing the message, was a Bible study leader along with Rebeca Ham, an Architecture student, and Maria Fernanda. Ester Ham served in the Worship ministry with M. Gideon Kim. Ruth and Grace Salazar served with the rally. Thank God all the shepherds are growing in a service of God’s work and the second-generation are leading and serving the activities of our ministry.

  Third. The co-workers and guests.

The families are striving as good co-workers. M. Marcos Nam served the Communion along with M. Josué Ham who shared with us about remembering the Lord’s last supper. Both came with their families. Yuri, Raul´s mother, participated with us and is praying that her family may have a relationship with Jesus the good Shepherd. M. Mercy brought her daughter Maria. M. Gideon and his family also served. His wife denied herself and came to participate in the Conference along with her two daughters. 

  Shp. Abraham also came with his family. Our family was worried because we were sick and my daughter Daniela who is one and eight months old, had allergies, but it was a miracle because we returned home healthily. Shps. Sara Ham brought a sheep, Angel, a student in the military school, who was a Catholic from a broken family. He accepted Jesus as his Savior. Loren and Jorge also returned, as they had participated with us before. We pray that we all may follow Jesus, the good Shepherd and that our co-workers may keep growing more for  God’s glory.

II.    Prayer Topics.

  1. For growing in faith to serve the word of God with a shepherd´s heart.
  2. For Bible study and message, based on Deuteronomy.
  3. For 60 teams of one to one Bible studies and 60 Sunday Worship Service attendants.
  4. For messengers: M. Josué, Shp. Abraham, Shp. Edwar, Shp. Ivan, and M.  Gideon.
  5. For union of four fellowships and fishing sheep on coffee nights every Friday.

     III. Personal Testimony.

  I wanted to listen to the world to overcome my human limits, but I was still lost. When I heard the voice of Jesus my good Shepherd, he gave me the purpose of growing as a co-worker which I remembered in this conference. One of the difficulties that we faced to serve the conference was finding a comfortable and an affordable place. Thank God that M. Josué was offered a place to serve the missionaries, and we only shared the offering. God loves us and he opens doors for us to serve his word. 

  The support and struggles of shepherds, the second-generation, and co-workers in every activity made me remember a light burden, serving the God´s work. Although we were nervous about the participation of Shp. Silvia and our daughter Daniela in the conference because of her respiratory disease, by faith we challenged and came back healthily. We remembered and saw that God was guiding our lives and our Bible center preciously as our good Shepherd. Regardless of all the negative thoughts and my complaints, God has allowed me to serve His work and He has given me a physical and spiritual rest during the Conference. Pray that “Jesus my good Shepherd” may continue guiding my personal, pastoral, and independent life to be steadfast and constant in the work of evangelizing(Shp. Edwar).

One word: Jesus is my good Shepherd!