2016 Mexico City UBF Annual Report

  • by WMD
  • Apr 11, 2017
  • 1043 reads

  “… Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor’s crown”(Rev 2:10b).

    Thank God for protecting his work, and sowing the seeds of words among us faithfully.  

1. He let us have a New Year leaders’ conference, and raise new disciples and shepherds, and then have the baptism-communion service, on the first week of January, 2016.   

2. He helped us to have a work of his words, 232 in all attendants joining in an Easter Conference, with Cuautitlán, Normal, Querétaro,  Politécnico(IPN), Acatlán and Puebla, including a second-generation missionary, Zoowang Kim from Ecuador.  

3. He helped us to have 5 group Bible studies at UNAM(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México: The National Autonomous University of Mexico), from Tuesday to Saturday, and particularly on Friday, to have a Bible café so that he might help us to invite students. 

4. He let us report his works, announce a mission strategy, and gave witness to a mission, titled “A Mexico’s Night” on March 4th in Chicago.  Each chapter of Acatlán, Guadalajara, and México City reported each work of God.  M. Barnabas Choi of IPN UBF announced a mission strategy on Central and South America; Dr. Joshua Bae of Puebla UBF gave witness to his own mission. 

5. He helped us to have students’ Bible conference on June at the Mexico City UBF Center.  

6. He helped us to have 4 wedding ceremonies. In February we saw that house-church of Shp. Enrique and Shps. Aurora, a house-church of Shp. Gabriela and Shps. Noe of Puebla UBF have been established. In December, a house-church of Shp. Perla and Shps. Luis Angel, a house-church of Shp. Luis Lucio and Shps. Eridany have been established.

7.  He let us have 333 attendants on Christmas Worship Service (Cuautitlán UBF: 14; Santo Tomas UBF: 3;  UAM Azcapotzalco  UBF: 5).

 Prayer Topics:

  1. For a powerful message on Exodus. 
  2. For pioneering Cuba, Jamaica, Haití, Costa Rica, Trinidad, and Tobago.    
  3. For 350 teams of one to one Bible study.