2016 Peru UBF Annual Report

  • by WMD
  • Mar 28, 2017
  • 1098 reads

Philippians 3:14, "I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."

  We thank God for his grace and mercy for the ministry of UBF Peru in 2016. In 2016 God blessed us with his word every Sunday. On Sunday worship, we studied the gospel of Matthew, we also had the study of Corinthians 15 and Hebrews 11. And we have begun the study of the book of Genesis. God allowed us to have the Easter conference. God allowed us the Biblical winter academy. God also allowed us to have the Christmas service. For the Christmas service we prepared the special hymn, "Holy Night”; we also prepared the small Christmas drama, and Esteban, who has been studying piano this year, played the special hymns to praise the Baby Jesus who was born in this world as our Savior.

  This year we also had the baptism of Jorge and Caty. They are the first marriage of faith in Peru and they are growing as good collaborators in the ministry of UBF Peru. Jorge and Caty will be established as shepherds on the first week of January. We thank God for the life of Jorge and Caty, who grow faithfully. 

  On our last Sunday message of 2016, we had a special lecture of the letter of Philippians chapter 3. The title of the message was "I continue to the goal.” Through this message, we learned that our joy is in the Lord despite of facing many difficulties in our career of faith. We also learned that Paul regarded all things as loss in order to gain Christ(Philippians 3: 8). "What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ.”      

  We shared with the brothers what we learned from the last message; our brother Jorge said that looking back on his life, he confesses that all he has gotten until this day are nothing but God and his wife Caty. Our brother Jorge recognizes the grace of God in his life. Jorge and Caty have a simple faith to recognize the grace of God in their lives. We thank God for a faith of the couple who are growing as a family of faith, co-working humbly and sacrificially with our family in this ministry of UBF Peru.

  On the other hand, we give thanks to God for our son Esteban, who is growing in good health, thanks to God. He has been studying piano with the offering support of M Isaac Cho of UBF La Plata, Argentina. It was not easy for Esteban to learn piano but now he plays the special hymn on the Sunday worship and takes turns with our sisters Caty and Kelly who sing the special hymn. We give thanks for the support of M Isaac Cho and for Esteban who is growing as a coworker to Sunday worship to praise our Lord Jesus.

  God also helps us to have the visa renewal without any problem and helps us to have the teaching job which support us in our missionary life in Peru. On the other hand we are also praying to buy a Biblical center closer to the University of San Marcos. We have received the sacrificial offerings of UBF Mexico and several servants of God, but we have not been able to find the right place, so we pray that God may guide us to find the right place to serve Him.

  We give thanks to God for his faithfulness and pray that he will help us to continue to the goal. And as the title of M Abraham Kim's message for this year 2017, "WAITING FOR THE COMING OF GOD'S DAY," we pray that God may continue to help us to run to the goal longing for the Lord's day.

We pray for: 

12 1: 1 studies each week,

12 participants to the Sunday service,

 Powerful Message of Genesis every week.

One word: Go forward, longing for the coming of the Lord!