2016 Kotte UBF Annual Report In Sri-Lanka

  • by WMD
  • Mar 28, 2017
  • 1013 reads

Key Verse "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith." (HEB12:2a) 

Thank God for opening  2016 with his wonderful grace, after pioneering Kotte UBF on  Sep 27th in 2015. Thank God for serving Sunday worship service with the word of ACTS during last one year. M. David and Sarah have been visited to Srijawardennepura Univ in Sri-Lanka on every week and planted prayer together to bring God's salvation, having good fellowship with lost souls in the campus.

Then by God's great love, he helped us to meet many sheep at the campus. So we opened our house for the campus sheep and for studying K language to have personal relationship with them. And God helped us to have one to one Bible study with Vithya (IPM), Angeli, Jayani, Kausi (Colombo Univ.) Kugan (Phd. in Jeju Univ.) Shan (Srijayawardenerpura Univ.), Hemantha by his grace.

By God's grace, last March, CME was held in Sri Lanka by Dr. John Jun and M. Sarah Jun. They came to Sri Lanka in weather of the hottest and stayed with us for a week. They served us with the words of Ephesians (two lectures) and Galatians (one lecture) and then we had shared graceful testimonies with one another. Through the CME we thanked God for granting us the living word of God like a spring of water welling up to eternal life. And the word of the Lord made us refresh and hold again his calling and true identity given by God earlier. Through the main lecture (Ephesians 1) testimony, we all thanked God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessings in Christ. 

By his great love, we especially thanked God for enabling us to participate in 2016 WMR Korea and missionary & shepherd conference with the title of "A kingdom of priests and a holy nation" from 5th to 8th on June in Korea. 

Through this conference, we thanked God for helping us to receive wonderful words of Deuteronomy with life giving-spirit. When we wanted to participate in the WMR and MSC, we had to get one year residence visa more eagerly. Actually it seemed impossible to get it. In addition, there were national holidays to take several days. But M. Sarah and me had been prayed to God earnestly by being prayer support through prayerful coworkers during last one month with spiritual tension. Then God helped us through M. Barnabas and many servants of God all around the world. Finally God amazingly allowed us one year residence visa that we could get it 5 days earlier than we expected. It was exactly the last day of opportunity for us to participated in 2016 WMR in Seoul. We so thanked God for answering our prayer by his grace and mercy. Through this WMR & MSC , God provided us for graceful and powerful GBS and fellowship with many senior missionaries with great love in God. So we had got the new refreshment and calling for world mission from God once again. 

After the conference, God led us on his best way in Korea. Especially thank God for deep & loving fellowship with Gangleung UBF coworkers in Korea and for enabling us to be greatly encouraged by powerful word of God through Gangleung UBF Summer Bible conference. 

In 2016, especially our family suffered from difficulty of self supporting in mission field because M. Sarah had been in sickness and I also was sick due to my motor cycle accident three times last year. But by God's guidance I was protected from the dangerous situations and from evil spirits by his grace. When we had sought first his kingdom and his righteousness, God provided us all things what we needed. By God's grace we were supported air ticket payments for 2016 WMR through Sh. David Kim from Korea and Children's education from USA. We thanked God for providing us all things what we needed as we faced troubles.   

After coworking with M. Barnabas's family for last 5years and 3 months since 2010, God opened my eyes to see new vision letting me look at the fields of 18 national campuses in Sri Lanka. Especially God called me as a missionary with the promised word Isaiah 49:6b on the first day of January in 2009. According to the word God led me and my family to Sri Lanka on Jun in 2010. When Sri Lanka UBF were in best blessing  through beautiful coworking together by God's grace, God didn't want me to stay with the blessing itself so God gave me new pioneering spirit with shepherd heart toward lost souls and opened my eyes to look North and South, and West in Sri Lanka 18 campuses. So, earlier Sh. Gideon and I made a Sri Lankan Map to appear 18 campuses by faith and we prayed together about these prayer topics.  By the way, I believed that God will fulfill not only this but also world mission through making of Sri Lanka to be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. Actually I made a vow to God before pioneering new chapter by his grace. I said " If God grant me first disciple in Sri Lanka according to your promised word, I will offer him to God as a missionary to go and make disciples to all nations as Jesus' command even short term. In fact I confess now that I am helpless and powerless but I believe that God's promised word to me will fulfill through obedience by walking with the Holy Spirit.   

Especially God brought sister Sora with us to Sri Lanka from Korea about four months ago.  She is my wife's niece. Before she came to Sri Lanka, she had depression and oppression and addiction to media and games. But God steady worked in her heart through one to one Bible study and every Sunday worship service. By the Holy Spirit, she got the water baptism on Nov 20th last year. She personally accepted Jesus as her savior and Lord. God loved her so much and moved her heart to make a decision to stay longer in Sri Lanka. We pray for her to enter a good college in Sri Lanka as she prays to her God. In 2016 Kotte UBF Christmas worship service , she served the Baby Jesus through dancing, Christmas medley songs and playing recorder. I am praying for her family members to be saved serving the Lord like her. God may also make her a source of blessing for campus ministry as one candidate of shepherdess among our sisters. 

On Nov 27th we worshiped God on the Thanksgiving Day based on the word "Forget not all his benefits" (Psalm103) with thankful heart. At the meeting we shared 10 thanks topics with all attendees giving thanks to God for he has done great things among us during in 2016.  Thank God who had worked with us in his great love. And I thanked God for sister Sora's salvation from the power of sin and death. We pray for her continually grow up in Jesus' love and make her a shepherdess to glorify God.

On Dec 10th in 2016, we worshiped Immanuel Jesus at our house church. All attendants were 23 by God's grace. We invited sheep and neighbors. Thank God for sharing gospel of Immanuel to lost sheep with the good news of great joy. I preached the real meaning of Christmas with the title "Immanuel" (Matthew 2).the worship program progressed with joyful Christmas medley, worship dancing, playing of ocarina, recorder,Guitar and drum. After worship, we all ate Sri Lankan foods and Korean foods together. Brother Shan, sisters Angeli, Jayani and Vithya and Sora served the worship program. And my two sons, Samuel and Daniel also served the worship program with drums. We accepted the Baby Jesus who incarnated  as our Immanuel God in his love.

We continually pray for raising one Abraham and  one Sarah  of faith at Kotte UBF. Especially pray for Srijayawardenepura University to bring his salvation and to pioneer 18 campuses in Sri Lanka by obeying God's promised word as the instrument of the light of Jesus.

May God help us to have compassion on lost souls with shepherd heart for the young souls in the campus and to pioneer 18 campuses and the world like Joshua and Caleb.

One word: I will also make you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring my salvation to the ends of the earth.(Isaiah49:6)