2016 Cambodia UBF Mission Report

  • by WMD
  • Mar 15, 2017
  • 1171 reads

    Looking back in the year 2016 we only give thanks, glory and praise to God for guiding us over the years. From the day I first arrived in Cambodia in November 2010 my family has been walking through the wilderness by hand of God. The biggest challenge for me is the language. At my first job at a university I had to teach students in English, even though my English was bad. I had to study English to teach them in English at the same time. However it was a time of blessing from God. Every lecture I gave was a moment of experiencing the power of God. After three years in Cambodia I had to make a new decision whether I would challenge myself to learn the Cambodian language. I made a firm decision to conquer the Cambodian language before God as a missionary to Cambodia. 

    God was with me in my many jobs such as an IT time instructor, building manager and Khmer language lecturer. Among the many Bible students who have come and gone, God has helped one soul brother Rothana who has kept on studying one to one Bible study for five years with me. My only one hope I had in God in Cambodia was to remain where God has led me. As I struggled with this God gave us grace in various ways in 2016. In the spring semester Dr. John Jun and Mrs. Sarah visited Cambodia. Dr. John Jun served my family with God's word and Missionary Sarah served us delicious food. It was a time of grace that filled both our bodies and souls. God changed my name to Joseph and he directed me to live like him in the Holy Spirit. Also after Dr. John and Sarah left Cambodia he told me to hold on to God. Most of all we realized how God loves Cambodia as he brought two missionary families to Cambodia. Missionary Isaac from Kyungsung center from Korea in June and Missionary Paul's family from Wharang center in Korea in July. Missionary Isaac's family is in Siem and Missionary Paul and my family is in Phenom. Missionary Paul's family and my family have been having Sunday worship services together, sharing God's grace and blessing through the study of Mark’s gospel.

    Mr. Kim and his wife have been attending our Sunday worship service since August in 2016. They are faithfully growing in Jesus having Bible study with Missionary Paul. It is also a great pleasure for us to have brother Bunteang who graduated from SNU and passed the FO examination. He has been faithful in one to one Bible study with Missionary Paul. Brother Rothana who has been studying for five years with me got his first job by faith this year. After beginning a new life on the job his faith was weakened a little. But God helped him to resume his one to one Bible study with me. I keep on praying that God may help him grow as an Abraham of faith in Cambodia. May God also help us to share the gospel message at the R University beginning with sister Moni who is a student of R University. In the meantime, God is pleased with one of my simple struggles by remaining in the place where God led us. I praise the Lord who gives us grace through our the worship services and one to one Bible studies in 2016 in Cambodia. 

    For the new year 2017, God has given us a Key verse. He replied, "This kind can come out only by prayer." (Mark 9:29). We thank God that in 2016 God had given us an environment by sending new coworkers to us that we could serve the gospel history with greater strength. I pray that in 2017 God may enable us to have loving unity with prayer to experience the season of Christ in Cambodia.