Sri-Lanka Colombo UBF Mission Report

  • by WMD
  • Mar 10, 2017
  • 1168 reads

We studied full Hebrews and Mark's gospel in 2016. Sh. Abraham stopped his spiritual wandering for last six month and returned to God's mission at Good Friday Camp. Since then M. Barnabas, Sh. Abraham and Sh. Gideon delivered Sunday worship message in turn. We have been doing testimony sharing meeting and Bible study  every week after finishing our Sunday worship service. Through this we made a strong vessel of the Holy Spirit. Abraham and Gideon have grown in spirit through messenger training ans sister Bhawani and Irasha have grown to be mothers of prayer. 


Dr. John Jun and M. Sarah Jun came and carried CME in March 6-11. We newly realized our true identity as blessed people of God  through Ephesians 1,2 study. I also personally learned about  health care from Dr. John Jun who took care of his health care well even in his mid 70s, beating the young people in the tennis match. He bought me a tennis racket. I thank God that I started tennis in fifties.

2. Good Friday Camp We had Good Friday Camp at Athurugiriya Hall on 25th March. All twenty one members participated in the meeting. We had a group study with one key verse Hebrews 9:22. We could clearly understood the grace of Jesus' blood when we studied it with power point and movie. After group study, sh. Gideon delivered the message with the topic" Cleansing with the blood of Jesus". He revealed clearly how the blood of Jesus cleansed and blessed him.After the lecture, we had lunch and wrote testimonies based on the key verse and shared together without one missing. There was abundant grace that Jesus' blood had been scattered in the hearts of all the attendees. Although it was just one day camp it was full of grace. It was also grace that sh. Abraham came back to God's calling after six month wandering.

3.World Mission Report and Shepherd Conference in Korea  

M. Barnabas and Sh. Gideon participated in the conference. Sh. Gideon had so strong desire to participate in the conference that I prepared the expenses which was worth of several months' his salary.He was moved to tears down  when he heard the main message "Holy Nation People". He was served much by Korean shepherds and returned home in full of grace.

4. Summer Bible Conference (Sep 16-18)

We had a summer Bible Camp for two nights and three days in Athurugiriya Hall. All twenty two joined in the camp. Six messengers were raised. Opening message: "the Kingdom of God is near" ( M. Barnabas). Lecture 1: "your sins are forgiven" (Sh. Gideon). Lecture 2: "Why have you forsaken me?" (Sh. Abraham). Lecture 3: "what is your name?"(sister Irasha). Lecture 4: "who do you say I am?" (sister Bhawani). Life  testimony (sister Anjelika). Sh. Gideon testified gracefully how God's forgiving love changed his life. Sh. Abraham testified to God's amazing grace that Jesus was forsaken by God, for the selfish and sinful man like him. Sister Bhawani and Irasha were raised as messengers first time and grew in spirit.

5. Christmas Worship

We had Christmas worship services  in the morning and in the afternoon on the same day at my home. All 42 people came to the worship. Sh. Abraham delivered the message powerfully with the topic "the horn of salvation". We worshiped the new born baby Jesus with carol choir, dancing, cello and piano concert. M. Hoseok who is M. Barnabas' friend came and served sing-along gracefully. At the time we had a first Christmas drama by leaders. It was too difficult for them to play the drama because its preparation period was too short and even some leaders could not appear in their practicing day. But God blessed their faith and prayer to serve the drama and made it so graceful drama. Through this event I learned that what God accepted is not our human ability but obedience.

6. Miscellanies God's grace

Andrew, my elder son completed his 20 years' life in mission field and went to Korea for university entrance. By God's grace he was admitted to Korea foreign language university. He has stayed in Korea since last July and was been served by Kyungsung UBF and Jeju UBF and his grandma and relatives. He became healthy in body and spirit by their service. M. Aroma also visited Korea after seven years and was served much by Kyungsung center shepherds for a month. Nelson, my second son got a full scholarship at his school and relieved me from the heavy financial burden. Sh. Abraham has opened his own clinic named Bethesda on Sep in 2015 and running it by God's grace last year. We pray that God may help him to build a medical complex like a hospital, elderly care unit, medicine faculty and being used  for 15 Sri-Lanka campus pioneering and Middle East mission. Sh. Gideon failed to enter the nursing degree of the Open University. But by faith he applied to the nursing degree of Sunderland University which was one year course and more recognized world widely. By God's grace he was accepted  to the school without condition. Sister Irasha took a sit for A/L exam after 3 years in the hope to be a campus shepherd.She is waiting for the result. Regardless of the result her obedience to God gave good influence to all our brothers and sisters. This year she has grown up mostly in spirit. Sister Amali won the top prize in the Korean speaking contest and has been hired at KOICA office.      

7. My missionary life

I held 1 Col 3:4 as my key verse. I served Sh. Abraham and his family patiently. I trained Sh. Abraham and Sh. Gideon to be messengers. Once I was almost blasted in anger at a single woman missionary who lives in upstairs of my house. But by God's grace I could be patient in the situation. Then later she introduced me a hopeful brother and a sister as sheep. God poured out much grace when I endured the hardship on two times conferences and Christmas worship program. I learned that God gives blessing through hardships. Now I am in fifties. There left no much time for me to serve God with strength. This year I hold Psalm 86:11 as my key verse. May God enable me to serve God and his ministry with an undivided heart.   


2017 prayer topics:

1. For Abraham and Gideon to grow as powerful messengers

2. For sisters Bhawani, Irasha and Amali to grow to be mothers of prayer

3. For 20 Sunday worship attendees

4. For opening Korean Language Course at Colombo University

5. For mastering Sinhalises