2017 Joint Jongro Pre-Spring Conference

  • by WMD
  • Mar 08, 2017
  • 1136 reads

    On February 18th thru the 19th, 2017 eight Korean chapters jointly held a pre-spring conference at Daewoong Management Development Institute, Yongin. The eight Korean chapters were Jongro-1, Jongro-2, Jongro-7, Gwanak-3, Gwanak-5, Hwarang, Bugak and Anseong. About 420 people attended the conference. The theme of the conference was "But Even If He Does Not," from Daniel 3:17-18.

    We had a special lecture from Pastor Kim Heon-gon, The director of the Evangelist Moon Jun Kyeong Martyrdom Memorial Hall in Jeungdo Island, Sinan Country, South Jeolla Province. Pastor Kim Heon-gon testified to the fruits of salvation from the sacrifical life and martyrdom of Evangelist Moon Jun Kyeong. Among the 2,000 residents of Jeujngdo Island 90% became Christian. We also aspired to live lives with this martyrdom faith by serving God and our neighbors. Many students and shepherds were challenged through the special lecture.

    On Saturday evening Abraham Lee from Jongno-2 gave a message entitled, "But Even If He Does Not," based on Daniel 3. Through the message, we learned that we need to have an absolute and pure attitude in our faith that doesn't compromise with the world. After the message, we wrote sincere testimonies, which we shared the next morning in groups. On Sunday morning, Park Jeong-su of Gwanak-3 chapter delivered a message with the title, "The Power of the Bible," based on 2 Timothy 3. He emphasized that only the Bible has the power to overcome the sinful world in the last days, and that we received this power when we gain the strength to do God's work.

    This conference was different from the previous conferences. This time the lay shepherds delivered the messages and testimonies instead of the full-time staff shepherds. Also each of the Bible study groups members were all of the same chapters. At this years conference each of the Bible study groups consisted of the members from each of the chapters. Everyone liked the new changes, especially the Bible study groups, since the shepherds and co workers from various other chapters could get to know each other, and share the grace of God with each other from other centers. Through the conference, including the special lecture and messages, all the participants gained the faith to serve. Bugak center was a new addition to the Joint Jongro conference and received a lot of grace.