The Work of God in Pretoria1 UBF, South Africa

  • by WMD
  • Mar 06, 2017
  • 1193 reads


Hebrews 13:13: “Let us, then, go to him outside the camp, bearing the disgrace he bore" 

    At the end of 2015, our ministry became stagnant. Not only did existing members show little signs of spiritual growth but there were also no new members who made any real commitment to study the Bible. We needed a fresh approach. We needed to come out of our problems and conflicts. We needed to leave legalistic ways and customs behind and newly go to Jesus. 

    In the beginning of 2016 the Lord put it in our hearts to follow a new fellowship centred approach to our ministry. This was achieved by giving each fellowship leader greater responsibility to mobilise their members from within their fellowships. There was a greater focus on hosting fellowship activities, led by and coordinated by each fellowship leader. We made a strategic decision to do away with our biannual conferences, Instead we held two bible academies in the Bible House. Apart from weekly bible studies and sharing testimonies, fellowship members could also enjoy more casual fellowship by merely eating, praying, playing and going on day trips together. 

    This change in approach brought about several benefits. First, fellowship leaders were forced to take the initiative instead of relying on shepherd James or other missionaries for direction. This naturally required more prayer and a careful study of the bible by each fellowship leader.  Second, the junior leaders in each fellowship suddenly were given the opportunity to co-work with the fellowship leaders. It was no longer just about the ministry as a whole but about the well being of the fellowship. This was something that many of the members in our fellowships positively responded to. Suddenly there was a new urge in writing Bible testimonies. Moreover, there was a new sense of responsibility by everyone to prayerfully serve and look after the new sheep God sent to each fellowship.  

    The new approach also brought about new challenges. Especially, within the fellowship there was no place to hide. In the beginning of the year everyone in the fellowships committed to faithfully serving God’s ministry. But as we know, though the spirit is willing the flesh is weak. Therefore, there were times when we had to hold each other accountable. However, by God’s grace, we could overcome our human weakness through loving acceptance and support for one another.  Another problem we encountered was the risk of losing a sense of unity in the ministry; as each fellowship leader enjoyed greater freedom to serve their fellowships. It is here where shepherd James worked extra hard to ensure everyone remained in touch.  

    I am the leader of the Resurrection fellowship. This year, I have personally learned that building a fellowship, and I guess any ministry, requires relationship building. In the past my focus was more on keeping meetings, having one to one bible studies, writing and sharing testimonies and attending Sunday worship service. However, this year we all have learned that God’s ministry is about relationships. It is about deeply understanding and accepting one another. Not only do I have to build a relationship with my sheep but also with my co-workers. And amazingly, the more time fellowship members spent together the better we came to know one another. And the better we came to know one another, the more we could understand, bear and pray for one another. It was only then when we could break through the barriers of set up perceptions to get to the core of why we serve in God’s ministry. It was because Jesus died for our sins. Moreover, because He called us to raise disciples through 1-1 bible ministry. Indeed the Lord helped us to leave our old ways behind and go to him. 

    In conclusion at the end of 2015 we were frustrated with existing members showing little signs of growth as well as any sign of commitment by first year students. This year God helped existing members to grow spiritually and take responsibility for the well being of their fellowships.  Moreover, in the beginning of the year God sent each fellowship new first year students. Though they were few in number, the majority is still with us at the end of the year and expected to return in 2017. For this we sincerely thank God. 2016 was not without any challenges and disappointments. However, unlike 2015 we end 2016 by looking back at a year where we can see the Spirit of God working in and around us. Therefore in 2017 we will continue to leave our old ways behind and go to Jesus to receive His grace and direction for our ministry.   

Prayer topics:

(1) For us not to be trapped in our old ways and custom but to come to Jesus in 2017 to receive grace and direction for our ministry.

(2) To go back to the basics of faithfully writing daily bread every morning. 

(3) To have 30 one to one bible studies.