M. Timothy Rhee's Message

  • by WMD
  • Mar 06, 2017
  • 1238 reads


2Peter 1:12-21

Key Verse: 2 Peter 1:19   “We also have the prophetic message as something completely reliable, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.”

  The Apostle Peter rigorously instructs the saints scattered in Asia that the morning star goes forth and shines in their hearts. This star refers to Jesus’ coming with glory and power, and Jesus as revealed in the word of God. 

  When I hear about the star, it reminds me of a story by Alphonse Daudet "The Star" from a high school text. This story narrates the beautiful and pure love of a young shepherd towards the daughter of his master. Several thousands of years ago, our father of faith Abraham saw the beauty of the stars that shone in the sky of the Middle East. And he saw the beauty, grandeur, majesty, wisdom and infinite power of the Creator God of this universe. He believed the truth of all the promises that God had made. And he left this enormous legacy as one justified by faith.  

  The men of today saw the same stars that beautifully decorate the night sky and made the film "Star Wars" and Star Wars toys are sold everywhere. The people of our time who are contaminated by the idea of imperialism and capitalism, upon seeing the beautiful stars that embroider the sky night, made the universe a battlefield of greed and hegemony. And they have planted this kind of mentality in the minds of children.

  Upon seeing the stars, especially the Star that shone in the early morning, Peter remembered Jesus and his return. He wanted the star of Jesus’ coming to shine in the heart of the saints. Peter writes this Epistle to the saints of the 1st century who were scattered in Asia Minor escaping from the severe persecution of the Roman Emperor Nero. The Apostle wanted the saints under tribulation to keep their faith in the second coming of the Lord Jesus, and for this he wanted the .saints to deeply meditate on God's word until the coming Jesus would shine in their heart as the morning star. I pray that the star of Jesus may also shine in our hearts and the precious promises that Jesus has given us may be a vital force and that this may be a victorious year.

  This letter was written, as it has been said, just a year before the death of the Apostle Peter. In this time of culminating persecution from the Emperor Nero, the saints had to travel far in order to escape, leaving their homeland and entering a land difficult to inhabit. But if we see verses 1- 4, we learn that to Apostle Peter, these scattered saints were not suffering in vain. To Peter, they were God’s precious people who received God’s precious word and promises. In the same way, we too are saints who have received the knowledge of God through His divine power. And through this knowledge we live in communion with God in his love.

  Since I grew up in a refugee family in North Korea and due to my introverted personality, my human relationships were affected and I did not know how to overcome this barrier. For this, M. Hannah was my best mentor. But through the passing of time, I saw that M. Hannah learned my bad habits and at times I could see my bad character through her. Those who live together in a love relationship naturally grow to be like each other. This is why those who know God and live in continual communion with him naturally grow to reflect his divine nature. Peter acknowledged that the saints of this time received many blessings by God’s grace and divine power. 

  Look at verses 12 and 15. Peter longed to sow something that the saints would always remember and have recollection of (12, 15). As Peter wrote this letter, he knew his death was near. Peter knew he would die the death of a martyr according to Jesus’ prediction in John Chapter 21. 

  Death is a great tragedy to mankind.  Man lives happily thinking that their death is still far off. If they knew their death is very close, perhaps even tomorrow, they would not be busy looking for Pokemon. I am still in a court battle against a politically powerful man. I thought it would have ended by the middle of last year. But this person is unnecessarily lengthening this battle. I have often felt like my heart is covered with a dense cloud. This is why, in the midst of talking about interesting things or laughing, at times something dark comes over me and I ask myself: Do you really think this is the time to be laughing? Peter knew that the dark shadow of death was approaching.

  When I was still serving the ministry in Mexico City, the owner who rented us the UBF center was elderly and stingy. Every time I renewed the lease for the Bible center, I had to face his harshness. One day as I casually spoke with him I asked him what he planned to do with his riches. He responded that he wished to travel the world. Upon hearing his response, my heart was filled with sadness, so I invited him to study the Bible. He looked at me with surprise, but he did not accept my invitation. Men deny that there is value, purpose, and meaning of life. Their life is based on nihilism. Nihilism is a disappointing confession that mankind cannot find the answers to their own’s life. But they do not seek them. Instead of coming back to God, they come up with philosophies, religions and human doctrines.    

  In a dark century, an unemployed young man finds a female prostitute and lives with her. While they lived together, she had to keep her profession. One day she gave birth to a child not knowing who the father was. As the days passed, the young man observed her baby and said to his wife: “The baby’s toe looks like mine.” Mankind tries to find a sense of self even in dim hope. As a result, though man’s accomplishments seem great and marvelous, and life seems beautiful and luxurious, deep down they are trying to live beyond their nihilism. This is why life is still painful, sad and empty.

  But Peter had a sure conviction. Though his death was near, he had something the saints would remember and have recollection of at every moment. And he had the conviction that if they remembered this, they would overcome the tribulations of this world and live a glorious and victorious life. What is the thing he longed to sow in the heart of the saints?

  Let’s read verse 16, “For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty.” The thing that Peter wanted them to remember at all times is the coming of Jesus Christ. In other words, it is the faith that believes with certainty that Jesus will come again with power. Faith in Jesus’ second coming is the faith that believes that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, that he was buried, that he rose again and ascended into heaven, and will come again. 

  Jesus’ second coming is a day of victory, the perfection of redemption and salvation and the fulfillment of our eternal hope. However, for those who do not believe in Jesus, it is the day of judgment and eternal destruction. When Jesus comes again, all of the saints will be called, they will be lifted up and be welcomed by the angels.  The Lord will welcome us and say: “Good and faithful servant” and will wipe away the tears we shed and will place a crown upon our head. Oh, how we long for this day!

  Since Paul had faith in Jesus’ return, though his death was imminent, he confirmed the faith of the saints with peace and hope for the generations to come. Since his death had a purpose and since he had a living hope, his life also had purpose, value and vital strength.

  But look at verse 16 once again. In those days, the church was infiltrated by false teachers who taught that the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ was a cleverly devised story. With their astute theology, they tempted the saints under tribulation. But Apostle Peter testifies to Jesus’ second coming in two ways.  

  First, it is through the event at the Mount of Transfiguration (17, 18). Jesus was a poor and suffering servant on this earth. He was like a root out of dry ground and had no beauty to attract us. However, at the Mount of Transfiguration, Jesus’ appearance was so glorious that it could not be described with human words. Moreover, there was dialogue with Moses and Elijah whom Israel admired and respected. From the cloud, the voice of God was heard which said, “This is my Son, whom I love, listen to him!” God himself acknowledged the authority of Jesus’ word. 

  Just as Paul’s encounter with the Risen Jesus on the way to Damascus opened his spiritual eyes, the event on the Mount of Transfiguration opened the spiritual eyes of Peter and the other disciples. As a result of this experience, Peter had full assurance of Jesus’ glorious coming. Although this experience had a great impact on Peter, it was a subjective sensation. Peter proclaimed that his faith was not founded solely on this limited experience but gives them another testimony, one that is sure and more reliable.  

  Let’s read verses 19-21. “We also have the prophetic message as something completely reliable, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation of things. For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.” 

  Peter is telling us that the most sure and unchanging testimony we have concerning Jesus’ second coming is his word, or the Bible. He indicates that the reason the faith of many is shaken is due to the poor attitude towards God’s word, its teachings, how we should interpret it, and the attitude with which we are to mediate on it.  

  First, the Bible was written by the saints who were inspired by the Holy Spirit. The primary author of the Bible is God Himself. Although God used holy men in the Bible, it is God who revealed himself to them. Through the Bible we can know the plan of God, his power, wisdom and his infinite love towards mankind.  

  Second, for this very reason, we should not make arbitrary interpretations. Verses 20-21 read, “Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation of things. For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.” 

  The apostle exhorts us to do away with the impatience of an arbitrary interpretation. The problem of the church today is the problem of how it interprets the Bible. Interpreting the Bible without depending on the Holy Spirit and relying on human reasoning should be prohibited. I pray we may maintain a good doctrine when interpreting the Bible. 

  Third, we should do well in being attentive to God’s word and we should meditate on it until the morning star of Jesus rises in our heart. At the center of our Bible meditation should be Jesus who bore our sins, died on the cross and rose again, and who will come again in power and glory.

Missionary Marcos Yang shared with us two days ago that in order to give the introduction to the epistle of Ephesians, he read it 102 times. He recommends that in order to prepare a message, we meditate on the passage at least 30 times. Through this struggle to scrutinize the word of God, the message of the passage becomes clearer and Jesus shines in us like the bright morning star. God’s word gives us precious faith and precious promises and it enables us to grow in his divine nature and bear beautiful fruit as God’s people.  

  Lately in our continent of Latin America not many missionaries have come. However, the missionaries that have come have shown faith that is as precious as pure gold and they have fought the good fight to dig out God’s word and feed sheep. As a result there was a great work of God to raise up native shepherds. A beautiful co-working relationship was established between native shepherds and missionaries.  Most of all, this is due to a deep study of God’s word. I pray that we may study the Bible until the Jesus’ bright star with all of its shining radiance may light up our heart. May many intellectual young students light up the campus like stars shining in the sky.