Hong Kong UBF Annual Report

  • by WMD
  • Mar 02, 2017
  • 1598 reads

" For it is better, if it is God's will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil" (1 Peter 3:17)

I thank God who has been with us and using us for his world salvation ministry, though we are very week in many ways. In 2016, we struggled hard to experience the power of God in our personal life and also in our ministry as well, however, when we looked back for the last year, we feel shameful before God. But when I think over the work of God which the Holy Spirit has done among us, but I cannot but give thanks to God. So, I want to review it and share God's grace together.

1. The study of book of Hebrews and John

This is the first time we studied the book of Hebrews thoroughly from beginning to to the end. We studied the Hebrews with a hope to learn from Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. At first, I thought the book of Hebrews was too difficult for our sheep. Nevertheless, when we began studying, I could see the Holy Spirit first worked inside our shepherds' hearts. In particular, He12:1 moved a lot of coworkers, helping us realize that we failed to move forward by faith and fixed our eyes on the One in face of difficulties. Every week, we meditated deeply and wrote testimonies based on the book of Hebrews. We also held firm to God's words and prayed. Thank God for blessing our study of book of Hebrews. We can grow by faith, and to learn more about Jesus, our high priest. Since May, we studied the book of John. God blessed us greatly. We were once like disciples with stagnated faith. But through the study of the book of John, God established the John team. There has been a long time we could not raise disciples and felt frustrated. But God raised four student disciples, gathered them to share testimonies every week this year. By this God, gave us a vision to raise more student disciples. Moreover, we could see that after the student disciples received grace from God's words, they performed gracefully in the drama during the Easter and summer Bible conference.  This is the work by the Holy Spirit in 2016, accomplished through God's mercy. We are so grateful that God has established the John team that student disciples can share testimonies together.  

2. World Mission

Thank God for using your useless servants to send 8 missionaries to the world (3 to Korea, 3 to Taiwan and 2 to Australia) and pioneer 5 university campuses in Hong kong. God also raised four professor shepherds, where 3 are professor missionaries. Thank God for sending msn. Allison Haga to Kaohsiung, Taiwan, msn. Carol Ho QUT, Australia and  msn. Paul Ho to Sogang university, Korea to serve the campus wandering souls. Thank God for using msn. Ho Kwok Shing preciously to pioneer QUT, Australia and to serve as a Sunday messenger every week. 2-3 December marked the third year of QUT pioneering and the first Bible Academy was held. 5 coworkers from Hong kong attended and the coworkers there received much encouragement. We pray that msn. Allison Haga can continue to serve National Sun Yat-sen university. Her family serves the students in Taiwan with the words of God and the students grew and became their coworkers. We were greatly encouraged by this. Thank God using msn. Mark Hui to deliver Sunday message every week in the National Taiwan University. Many sheep in Kaohsiung, the south of Taiwan moved to to Taipei the capital. Thank God that msn. Gloria Hui warmly receives them all and pioneer the National Taiwan University faithfully. We also thank God for using msn. Angel Sarah preciously. Through her serving, God raised Shepherd Lily's family in C nation to serve the P. University and T. University. We pray that msn. Paul Ho to have a shepherd heart for the students in Sogang University and God can use him in pioneering the campus there.\

First,17 HK shepherds and msn. have participated into the world mission report 2016.They received much grace through the study of Deuteronomy, especially they key verse, Dt 8:3 deeply moved the hearts of coworkers. Most HK shepherds are blessed by God materialistically, however they really know what does man lives by through this key verse, man lives by the word of the Lord. Thus they make a decision spiritually to submit their lives for obeying God's words. Thanks be to God!

Second, the New year Bible Conference was held on15-17 January, at the Jockey Club Yuen Long Recreation Center of the HK Girl Guides's Association.The main theme of the conference was "Set Your Hearts On Things Above" (Colossians3:1). The first main lecture was Col 1:1-29. The second main lecture was Col 2:1-23. The third main lecture was Col3:1-17. The speakers of the three main lectures were respectively Sh. Peter Chow, Sh. Sum Kwok and Sh. Hayes Tang. There were three sessions of GBS and two sessions of testimony writing and sharing. We had cut-down other programs and all coworkers could meditate deeply on the words of God. The verse of "Set Your Hearts on Things Above" works mightily in the heart of everyone. Therefore we hold the direction of faith: even though we are many problems, in the new  year we seek the Lord who in everything has the supremacy.   

Third, the Easter Bible Conference was held on18-20 March, at a Catholic campsite with the theme " The Glory of Resurrection". The opening message "Young Man, Get Up on Luke7:1-17 was given by Sh. Woody Yip. The first main lecture, 1Co15:1-11 delivered by Sh. Matthew Tse. The evening message was 1Co 15:12-34, delivered by Sh. Tsz Lung Cheung and Sh. Alan Mak. The third main lecture, 1Co15:35-58, delivered by Sh. Ken Lee. There was a drama and as well as the mission report by msn. Michael Ho who is pioneering Queensland University of Technology.  Khadijah and Yun from C nation Joined EBC and were filled with joy of resurrection.   

Fourth, the summer Bible Conference was held on 13-16 August, at a Catholic campsite in Cheung Chau. The main them of the SBC was "Man Does Not Live by bread" . There were 110 participants, 72 from HK, 10 from C nation,3 from Taiwan, 1 from Australia, 1from Germany, and 1 from Moscow and 22 from Korea including Sh. David Kim, Sarah Kim. The opening message " Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life from John14:1-14 was given by Sh. Hayes Tang. The first main lecture "The Love Of the Father" on Luke15:11-32  was delivered by sh. King Tin Lam. The second main lecture was Dt 8:1-20 " Man Does Not Live By Bread” delivered by Sh. Ken Lee. The first evening message was MT 6:19-34 "Seek First His Kingdom and His Righteousness" delivered by Sh. Alan Mak. The third main lecture was John 19:1-42 "It Is Finished" by Sh. Matthew Tse. The second evening message was MK 11:20-25 "Have Faith In God" delivered by Sh.Allison Haga. The fourth main lecture was John 21:1-17 " Do You Love Me?" delivered by TZE Lung Cheung. In the first evening, Hannah lee from Australia and Naomi from Taiwan shared graceful testimonies.

Fifth. the Autumn Bible Conference was held on 13-15 November, at the Jokey Club Yuen Long Recreation center. The main theme was "Choose Life”. The opening message "Choose Life" from Dt29:1-30:20 was given by Sh. Hayes Tang. The first main lecture was, Joshua1:1-18 "You May Be Successful" delivered by Sh. Matthew Tse. The evening message was Joshua 2:1-24 "The Faith Of Rahab" delivered by Sh. Woody Yip. The second main lecture was Joshua 6:1-25 "The Wall Of The City Will Collapse" delivered by sh. Tze Lung Cheung. Through the study of Joshua, all HK coworkers received the fighting spirit and renewed their spiritual direction, to march around the Jericho wall of the campuses.

Through the 8 missionaries sent out and the start of a new student disciple testimony sharing team, God worked mightily in us, to plant the vision of world mission and the hope of raising disciples in our hearts. Thanks be to God! Thank God for giving HK Centre the vision of being a kingdom of priests and a holy nation, to pioneer the 9 University campuses in HK and over 1,000 campuses in main land C nation.

The Prayer Topics :

1. May God give powerful messages on every Sunday to all our messengers in part 1 worship service msn. Woo Jin Kim, Sh. Matthew Tse, and Sh. Kwok Wing Sum, in part 2 worship service Sh. Peter Chow, Sh. Hayes Tang, sh. Ken Lee and Sh. Tak Yan Liu.

2. There will be 200 1:1 Bible study and 12 disciples to be raised up

3.The student disciples David Kim, Maria Kim, Jacqueline Chan and Deborah Kang in John Team can be firmly established as Jesus disciples.

4. Professor Sh. Hayes Tang can establish one Abraham of faith in the Education University of Hong Kong