Wits UBF Mission Report 2016, South Africa

  • by WMD
  • Mar 01, 2017
  • 1176 reads

Genuine Christians

“After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem 2:2 and asked, "Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him." Mat 2:1-2    

Our ministry is fairly young and we have had a growing brother’s ministry while our sisters ministry was not doing as well. However the Lord placed in us the burden of the sister’s ministry which was not growing. We tried many things such as having a sister’s common life yet the sister’s ministry struggled to grow. Through this burden and struggle we could no longer trust in anything but only depend on prayer. Through this we placed our hope in God through prayer and learn and worship the God who answers prayer. God trained us to struggle to be genuine Christians by growing more in prayer and depend on God for a sister’s ministry.

    In South Africa there are many churches and many who profess to be Christians, however the busy life and the demands of life can make us focus more on the world than living to worship our king Jesus. We thank God that through having regular bible studies and writing bible testimonies our hearts and minds can be trained to focus on Jesus and to struggle to worship Him. At our Easter and spring conferences we had brothers and sisters who shared their life testimonies. All of them testified to the clear work of God in their lives. Through writing their life testimony they could see God’s work in their lives and thus be renewed in faith. One of our sisters had felt shameful about her past decisions; however through repenting and seeking God by becoming a part of a local church and committing to obeying the word of God through Bible studies and testimony writing she could be guided to accept God’s forgiveness. She now has the desire to teach the bible and help young girls make decisions of faith. She now has a bible student whom she serves. God also heard her prayer to marry a man of faith and they have now established a house church together. Another brother while growing up was a member of a dangerous gang. When God touched his life, he became a changed man who now struggles to become a disciple of Jesus. We also had a brother who accepted God’s calling to be a campus shepherd for God’s flock. He now serves bible studies regularly. We thank God who has used our ministry for the glory of His name. 

    Our ministry was also moved to participate in financially assisting some shepherds from one of the UBF chapters in Africa. In the beginning we thought we would use the finances from the ministry, however in line with our prayer to grow as genuine Christian as a church we were inspired to make an offering request from our members. Some did not have much yet we were amazed at how God moved their hearts to offer. They really wanted to practically worship God and share their love with their Christian brothers. We also had some renovations at the Bible house, our worship area is now bigger and the brother’s house was also expanded. We thank God that all the renovations to expand the church was completed in time. We pray that more brothers will join the common life at the bible house in order to grow as disciples of Jesus.

    I thank God that we also had a structured way of delivering the Sunday messages. We had two native shepherds and one missionary who delivered Sunday messages in turns. Through Sunday message delivery I am learning that to be disciple of Jesus is hard work. To do great things for God does not just happen, but I have to pray and seek God’s presence daily so He may use me as a His servant. I am learning that when I deliver Sunday messages I am standing there as God’s servant not just as Lesedi. Those whom I am serving the message are not listening to Lesedi but to God’s messenger. So I am learning that I need God and his presence, I need faith to prepare and deliver Sunday messages. 

    We are praying for the establishment of house churches. To participate in the raising of disciples in Lesotho we are also praying for the raising of native leaders to fully and independently lead the ministry. Pray also that our ministry may grow as mature and genuine Christians and that two of our missionary families may obtain permanent residence soon. 

by Lesedi Masisi