Ghana Mission Report 2016

  • by WMD
  • Feb 22, 2017
  • 1288 reads

The following night the Lord stood near Paul and said, "Take courage! As you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome." (Act 23:11)

    In 2016 we studied Acts. Through Acts Bible study, I was so much impressed about the life of Paul. Paul lived a mission oriented life. And his life was not easy but tough. Ananias was afraid to go and meet Paul. But God said to Ananias, “Go! This man is my chosen instrument to carry my name before the Gentiles and their kings and before the people of Israel. I will show him how much he must suffer for my name” God didn’t promise an easy life. Why are we following Jesus? What are we expecting from Jesus? Jesus said “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Since Jesus is the truth this is why we are following Jesus. But in real life, we expect something else from Jesus more than the truth, which is an easier life, financial support, social achievement, happiness and etc. But what should our life should be?

    In our life there is mission. The most important matter in our life is to carry out and complete this mission. When we live for mission there is truth, real peace and happiness. Paul completed the 3rd mission journey. He really worked hard with a lot of suffering and risked his life many times. He might have expected to receive human glory. But the Jews accused him of violating the law. The following night the Lord stood near Paul and said, “Take courage! As you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome.” God didn’t grant an easy life or just solved his problems. God talk about mission. God will help him to complete the mission, so he doesn’t need to worry about anything and needed to take courage. 

    I came to Africa 10 years ago and served the ministry in Ghana for 4 years. Many times I worried about my personal future security. Sometimes I wanted to forget about my mission. I was very busy with work, so I was tired, and full of stress. I couldn’t say that I sacrificed my life to God, since I was not full of passion for mission. But one thing I can give thanks to God is that he helped me not to lose mission and continue this life. I don’t need to worry or be afraid of anything except losing God’s mission. When live for mission, God will be with me and protect me to complete my life mission. 

    One of fruit of this year in Ghana UBF is that our sister graduated school. Shepherdess Maria studied the Bible with Sis. Linda, Tina & Efia from their first year of school. At the Easter Bible conference, Sister Linda & Tina shared their life testimony. I was saddened with their agonies of life. I could see that nothing can be their light and hope expect Jesus. Only Jesus could solve their life problem and give direction. 

    After graduation, normally students join national service and are dispatched into different regions. However by God’s grace Sister Linda and Tina could do national service work at the campus. Sister Linda is staying in our house together and joining Sunday Worship Service continually. We are praying that we may raise her as a shepherdess and help her to serve one person and become our coworker. 

    In this year God sent new missionary. Missionary Caleb Song came in November. He was missionary in USA in Boston for 5 years an returned to Korea. Through his company he was able to come Ghana and joined us. And in September Shepherdess Angela visited Ghana. She is Ghanaian but from a young age she went to UAS and was raised there. In the university she met one UBF missionary and become a UBF shepherdess. Now she is working as a nurse. We could meet her with her brother, Brother Kingsley. And we built up friendship with him and invited him to our ministry. Brother Kinsley is currently attending our Sunday Worship Service and studies the Bible with Missionary Caleb Kim. 

    Looking back this year most of the time I was busy at my job and spent time worrying about my future security. But I found that God loves Ghana and continues his work. If I contribute my time and energy in his work, then my life will be blessed.  But if I focus on my life only, then my life will be meaningless. As I see the life of Paul, I don’t need to be afraid of anything about my life expect losing mission. 

    Next year I pray that God may give us strength to continue to serve campus mission. I pray that we may meet new brothers and sisters to invite them to Bible Study, to raise Sister Linda as a shepherd and help her to serve one sheep deeply and grow spiritually. We started Luke Bible study. God may bless our Bible study and help us to meet Jesus personally again through Luke Bible Study. 

by Truman Lee