Choonchun UBF News, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Feb 13, 2017
  • 1395 reads

A Letter from Sh. Paul Kim from Choonchun UBF, Korea

"He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ.”(Colossians1:28)

Dear Servants of the Lord,    

First, we thank God for richly blessing the 2017 Europe directors’ conference in Macedonia with new year's direction, which also has given me new direction.

My wife and I also thank you for your love and prayer support for my family, (though we don't deserve it), Choonchun UBF and Korea UBF. As for our new year's key verse, we hold onto Colossians 1:28 that we may be good influence to others beginning from our ministry and to the world so that we may present them fully mature in Christ. 

Regarding S. Rebecca Lee, who after suffering from a cancer for one and half years, went to be with the Lord on Jan 13th 2017. She was one of the pioneers at Choonchun UBF ministry and had been faithful to obey the words from Mark 10:45, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” She left a great legacy of faith for all of us.  Last Monday we followed up the funeral ceremony with a final worship service as the coffin was put into the grave. 

We pray that the risen Christ may fully comfort Dr. Jongyon Park (Husband), their two sons, and the Choonchun UBF coworkers with the living hope of the resurrection in the kingdom of God so that they all may give themselves fully to the work of the Lord.

While I served the funeral my wife and I were so sad because we lost such a precious servant among our ministry. As we recalled her life of faith we saw such a wonderful woman of faith among us. She was a mother like shepherdess for all Choonchun UBF coworkers, students and second gens. She was always ready to welcome them (including missionaries from overseas) with a warm heart, serving them with delicious food and gifts. She had laid the foundation for campus souls at Choonchun UBF ministry as a pioneer, prominent Bible teacher and powerful prayer servant for campus souls bearing much fruits in Christ. She also loved and served my family in many ways that we will never forget it all the days of our life. We and Choonchun coworkers are all debtors to her in Christ's love.

We pray that we and all Choonchun coworkers may love the Lord more as loving disciples for this generation in remembrance of her example of love and sacrifice.

Our prayer topics are as follow:

1.  For Sending two  missionaries in 2017

2. For 100 SWS attendants

3. For pioneering four campuses at Choonchun and raising 12 disciples

4. For making unity while co working together with one in heart

5. For early morning prayer and daily bread.

May God richly bless your ministry, Choonchun UBF and all UBF ministries throughout the world to greatly expand His kingdom for His name's sake.

Paul & Youngsook Kim