Relief money delivery and Spiritual Exploration to Haiti

  • by WMD
  • Feb 02, 2017
  • 1230 reads

Relief money ($10,000) delivery and Spiritual Exploration to Haiti (1.23-27)

by M. Daniel Yang and Josue Ham 

​First, delivery of relief offerings. Haiti, the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere, suffered hundreds of deaths and houses damages in October last year. We delivered our UBF relief fund ($ 10,000), visiting Port of Prince. Many of the houses still had no roofs or covered with vinyl and most of the churches were without roofs. We prayed that the Church buildings and houses may be rebuilt quickly.

Second, we planted prayers in Haiti: We visited two large cities for future UBF campus pioneering missionaries. Port of Prince was so devastated. There are no traffic lights, no drainage on the roads and garbages everywhere. But surprisingly, a new history was taking place in the northern city of Cap Haitien. The industrial complex has been established in a country and a Korean textile company has come in, employing 10,000 people, creating jobs, establishing schools and technology schools, and rewriting the history of Haiti. God is using the priestly country, Korea, to help them and wake up their souls.

Suggestions and prayers:

The first is to send English teachers to a technical school established by the Korea Association of Churches in short or long term basis. The technical school has the best facilities. It provides the perfect accommodation. You can be an English teacher and will be able to do mission work immediately.

The second is to work in a Korean sewing company. Currently, there are more than 60 Korean employees. If you are a missionary candidate or a missionary who has experience of working in a sewing related company's office or field, we recommend you to apply for.

The third is to send missionaries from the French speaking nations such as France and Canada, or to send the Haitian shepherds from America to their home country as missionaries. 2 million young Haitian Americans are living in the United States, about one fifth of Haiti's population.

by M. Josue Ham (Guatemala)