Latin America UBF Coordinators Conference

  • by WMD
  • Jan 24, 2017
  • 1505 reads

Latin America coordinators conference (Jan.18-21, hosted by M. Moses and Sarah Chang of Belize).

The first day:

The opening message by M. Isaac Cho (La Plata, Argentina) was about "Barnabas and Saul's co-working” (Acts11.22-26). 

First night's' addition: Dillon's Belize introduction.

The second day:

We divided into six groups to study the Bible passages and discussed about second gen education, disciple making and other necessary topics. Edward Ti (Guatemala) delivered his message powerfully, "We are God's coworkers" (1 Cor 3:9). We learned we can co-work when we are Christ-centered rather than ego or leader-oriented.

Missionary Josue Bae gave a very useful special lecture about healthcare based on his medical study, using oriental and occidental treatment of patients (the unbalance of Yang and Um).

Dr. Pablo Oh gave a special lecture about Latin America's history, problems, agonies and solutions in Jesus.

Dr. Mark Yang gave a special lecture which showed how to overcome cultural barriers. We learned God's communication examples among Triune God and Jesus whose incarnation shows how to communicate with us.

The third day:

We were greatly blessed through P. Abraham's main message "look forward the Lord's day".

Special lecture 3 was delivered by S. Moses Kim (Anam UBF, Korea): “Reformation and the Bible.” It gave us a clear answer why Bible Korea or Return to the Bible is important. It helped all our coworkers how to deal with Latin people who think they are Catholics.

Special lecture about second generation by M. Jacob Lee emphasized our common concern for raising our next, new generations as the partners and successors of God's ministry until Jesus' second coming. 

The fourth day:

The closing message was by M. Timothy Rhee, he encouraged us to pay attention to the word of God 'until the morning star rises in our heart' (2 Pet 1:19). 

We prayed for pioneering 5 nations (Cuba, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Haiti and Costa Rica). Next year Latin Coordinators conference will be held in Bolivia during Jan.10-13, 2018.

After conference, we visited Belize University (Faculty of Business). We shouted hand in hand in circle "Bible Belize and World Mission, Espera el dia de Dios!” As God blessed Korea, so he may bless Belize too!

Sunday Worship Service (1/22):

We had a wonderful Sunday worship service. The message was "Have a mindset of Jesus" (Phi 2.5-9) delivered by Dr. James Kim (Chicago). Around 50 (20 Belize members and 30 guests) attended. We felt we were the true families of heaven that shone the whole world!

  • Daniel Yang (Chicago) & Josue Ham (Latin, Caribbean coordinator) visited Haiti (1/23-26) and delivered $10.000 relief money for the flood stricken Haitians right after Latin Directors' conference. We pray God may establish Haiti campus ministry.