Kotte UBF Christmas Worship Service, Sri Lanka

  • by WMD
  • Jan 13, 2017
  • 1293 reads

2016 Kotte UBF Christmas Worship Service Report, Sri Lanka

We praise and thank God for enabling us to have a graceful CWS on December 10 at Kotte UBF Center in which 23 sheep that have a one to one relationship with us attended. M. Luke Jeon delivered the message “Meaning of Christmas”(sub title- Immanuel) from Luke 1. The CWS included a medley of Christmas songs, dance, guitar, drum, and ocarina and recorder performances. After the CWS we had a joyful fellowship with the sheep sharing Sri Lankan custom food, Korean kimbob and other delicious foods. We especially thank God for Shan, Angeli, Jayani, Bittia and Sora Lee who participated in the CWS. They all are growing disciples with potential to be spiritual leaders for Sri Lankan campus ministry. My children David and Daniel Jeon also played the drums. We render all the glory and praise to the Immanuel baby Jesus who came down from heaven and was born in a manger as a friend of sinners. 

As for Kotte UBF, its pioneering work begun on September 27, 2015. During 2016 my wife Sarah and I  have been concentrating on Acts Bible study, Sunday messages, and campus ministry (University of Sri Jayewardenepura) inviting students to Bible study once a week. In order to establish a personal relationship, we opened our home for the students who wanted to learn about the Bible and the Korean language. Through this God has blessed us to have many Bible students from the campus. Among them those currently growing as disciples are Vithya (UPI, Graduate), Angali (who is going to apply to college in Korea on August 2017), Jayani, Causi (Colombo Univ.), Kugan (JeJu University PHD course), Shan (Japura Univ.), Hemantha (Open Univ.). 

We really thank God for refreshing our calling and hope through the word of Ephesians through Dr. John and Sunji Jun's CME in March 2016. 

Please continue to pray that God may enable us to raise one Abraham and one Sarah by His grace. We also pray that by the help of the Holy Spirit we may raise many disciples of Jesus from Open University and University of Sri Jayewardenepura (Japura). That many house churches may be established from the 18 Sri Lanka major college campuses and be sent out to the whole world in the future. May the Spirit of Jesus protect M. Sarah and me from all harm in this strong Buddhist environment as we will now go to the campus twice a week inviting sheep to our Bible study. 

Luke Jeon