European UBF Directors’ Conference

  • by WMD
  • Jan 10, 2017
  • 2116 reads

European UBF Directors’ Conference in Skopje, Macedonia from 27-29 December 2016

“You ought to live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming.” (2 Peter 3:11b.12a)
The European Directors’ Conference took place close to beautiful Skopje, Macedonia from 27-29 December. 87 co-workers including around 10 Second Gens from 20 European countries, Ukraine (Podil-Kiev), Israel, USA and Korea attended this conference. Even though some co-workers could not come due to sickness and some attendants had a cold, the atmosphere of the conference was joyful and bright from the beginning. The opening message was given by M. Barnabas Kang from Macedonia on Deut. 8:3. He shared how he lived as a missionary first in Bulgaria for 5 years and then in Macedonia for 11 years. In those years he had to go through severe difficulties especially with self-support. But like the Israelites were trained by God in the desert and learned to live from manna, he learned through to live by the word of God and could experience God’s faithful provision and spiritual victory. He serves Macedonian ministry together with his wife M. Petra Kang and their 4 joyful children. 
After his message the European directors shared their annual report. They confessed how God helped them to overcome difficulties by faith and blessed each ministry in the past year. Many were deeply moved by the report from Poland. M. Elijah Park gave M. Henryk Lee the opportunity to share the report and testify to God’s miraculous grace in keeping M. Hanna Lee and their children despite a dreadful accident. In the majority of countries students are meanwhile growing as disciples and coworkers, and in all countries the Second Generation is growing spiritually and co-working with their parents. At this conference there was a separate program for attending Second Gens which was led by shepherds from Korea UBF and European coworkers. The Second Gens moved our hearts with a joyful and beautiful worship dance. 
In the evening Dr. Henry Park gave a special lecture about “Three Spiritual Paradigm Shifts”, which can be essential in a Christian life of mission. Since his lecture was based on the Bible and on his own experiences, it was applicable and helpful. We could witness how many people practised this lecture from their hearts. Afterwards a short personal address was given by Shp. Walter Nett on Jer. 29:1-14 entitled “Seek Peace and Prosperity of the City”. He encouraged us to seek peace and prosperity of our respective mission field by serving as Bible teachers, planting the word of God in their hearts and establishing beautiful house churches among our Bible students and Second Gens. When we seek the spiritual welfare of our city or mission field in this way, we will surely also prosper.
The main message was given by P. Abraham Kim on 2 Peter 3 on Wednesday morning with the title “Live Holy and Godly Lives”. His message encouraged us to look forward to the Day of the Lord, which will bring the destruction of this world and all that belongs to it and bring a new heaven and new earth full of righteousness. He encouraged us to live holy and godly lives in view of the Lord’s Day and to speed its coming by using every opportunity to share the gospel. 
We used the remaining morning to write sincere testimonies and shared them in groups in the afternoon. The rest of the conference was even more joyful and bright. In the evening M. Jose Ahn gave a testimonial message on Isaiah 2:1-5 “The Mountain of the Lord’s Temple”. In his message he shared his faith and vision by which he served Jesus’ world mission at the frontline for over 3 decades under loneliness and many sacrifices. Afterwards P. Abraham Lee from Cologne, Germany gave a special lecture on “Christian Understanding of Islam”, especially thoroughly showing its origin. Afterwards Shp. Bruno Aussant from Nantes, France received benediction prayer to serve as a coordinator for the UBF-ministry in France. Finally we prayed that we can live holy and godly lives in view of the Day of the Lord and to serve the campus mission in Europe with regard to His coming.  We prayed especially for Shp. Walter Nett, the Encounter Conference for 18-25 year olds in August 2017, the pioneering of The Netherlands, Slovenia and Albania and for wisdom how to serve Syrian refugees in Europe. May the Lord come soon!

By Reiner Schauwienold