Mexico City UBF Christmas Worship Service

  • by WMD
  • Dec 26, 2016
  • 1155 reads

Luke 1: 69 “He has raised up a horn of salvation for us.”

We celebrated our Christmas service on December 11th 2016 in Mexico City, in the beautiful Venustiano Carranza Theater. The first part of the program began with praise and worship, the songs prepared our hearts. After that the UBF choir sang the Hymn: "Hallelujah" of Handel. Then we listened the message through Shepherd Raúl Muñoz which was titled "A Mighty Savior" (Luke 1: 67-79). 

Through this word, we remember how God has raised up a horn of salvation for us, who is Jesus Christ. It was time to realize how even in the middle of our great problems, Jesus came to us to save us from the power of sin and Satan. Jesus is our mighty Savior. He gives us victory every moment when we depend on his precious blood. No one in the world can help us defeat our enemy Satan, but Jesus has already overcome it. Through this wonderful work of God, our attendants received great grace. To conclude the first part M. Pablo Park from UAM Azcapotzalco chapter delighted us with his precious voice singing the special hymn "Oh Holy night."

Full of joy we prepared to continue with the second part of our program. Thus, we heard a beautiful special hymn titled "In the love of God." And then we listened to the UBF orchestra playing several pieces of music that sweetened our ears. And then came the time to see the dance prepared by the disciples, called "Glorious Exchange."We had reached the final moment of our service and it was time to prepare to see the play called "Jesus our mighty savior" which made us meditate about how sin acts in our society to destroy it. But, God sends his servants to give us hope through hearing the gospel of salvation. In total, there were 333 attendants, including UBF Cuautitlán (14), UBF Santo Tomas (3), UBF UAM Azcapotzalco (5).

Thank God for sending our mighty savior! May Jesus Lord reign in our hearts this Christmas! Merry Christmas!

Raúl Muñoz