A New Missionary Family to Chile

  • by WMD
  • Dec 13, 2016
  • 1363 reads

M. Luis and Josmary Zambrano (Venezuela UBF) have been sent to Chile:

Last Sunday(Nov 27), we sent the house church of Luis and Josmary Zambrano (Fellowship leaders in UBF Caracas) to Chile. Both of them are excellent accountants from Los Andes University and Oriente University in Venezuela. Two years have been since they applied inside and outside the country, and prayed much, looking for a will of God for mission. Shp. Luis was accepted in a recognized Account Ability Company in Santiago of Chile. 

They shared heart-moving life testimonies and received prayer. After Sunday worship, we had fellowship, eating, receiving encourage and thankful words from their sheep, watching pictures and taking pictures. It  was a very joyful time.

Prayer Topics:

  1. To adapt well to Chile culture and love Chile university students.
  2. To be excellent coworkers to the family of M. Josue Chun in Chile.
  3. For Shp. Luis to have a good adaptation to the new Job.
  4. Good health and schooling for their children Luis Alejandro (4 years old) and Ana Sofía(8 months).

In Christ,

M. Gustavo Prato.