Korea UBF won a Grand Prize in the Christian Education Brand Contest

  • by WMD
  • Dec 05, 2016
  • 1147 reads

Korea UBF won a Grand Prize in the Christian Education Brand Contest held by The Kookmin Ilbo

Currently UBF has 88 chapters serving 300 college campuses in Korea and 333 chapters serving campuses in 95 other countries. The most remarkable characteristic of UBF is its one-to-one Bible study, in which Bible teachers help students attain Biblical knowledge and also apply God’s Word practically in their lives. 

The organization works to produce and update Bible study materials for beginners as well as for growing leaders (photo). Every other month for the past 41 years, UBF has published the daily devotional “Daily Bread” in both Korean and English. The organization publishes Bible study materials for middle- and high-school students (Junior Bible Fellowship; JBF), and two series, “The Bible Is My Friend” and “The Bible Seen Through Characters,” for elementary school children.

UBF also provides relief and social services. It helps 50 social welfare facilities in Korea and has raised and sent relief funds to people in need around the world who are affected by famine, natural disaster or disease. UBF dispatches self-supporting missionaries, after six weeks of training and education, to various places worldwide. Currently 1,560 lay missionaries are serving their regions while supporting themselves through their work in various fields. The ministry of UBF is ground-breaking: It has opened a new chapter by sending out the largest number of professional tentmaker lay missionaries for a single mission organization, to date.

Kookmin Ilbo