The Update of M. Hannah Lee

  • by WMD
  • Nov 11, 2016
  • 1517 reads

Good News about M. Hanna Lee (Poland, Poznan UBF)

Praise the living Almighty God who listens to the voice of intercessory prayers of coworkers all over the world.

The last days have passed quickly as if it were just one day, while witnessing God's miraculous healing power of the Holy Spirit for M. Hanna Lee. We are so joyful everyday witnessing God's answers to the intercessory prayers of coworkers all over the world. In the hardest days, we could stand firm in God's great mercy and Almighty power. Now I am excited to share today's news with you, because I know how critical was M. Hanna’s condition. Thank God for his amazing grace and mercy. Thank you to all great servants of prayer.

M. Hanna walks with a walker, talks and eats. She moved from the intensive care unit to general care hospitalization. This is an amazing healing power of the Holy Spirit. She confessed that she will be eager to serve as apostle of Gospel. 

Please pray for her that God may recover the function of her lung and broken ribs perfectly. Praise God for witnessing the days of His miracle and for seeing the answers of intercessory prayer of coworkers all over the world. Most of all, we here all could stand firm in Jesus and God's mercy, because we felt the strong love and one spirit of coworkers all over the world. 

Thank for your prayer and serving.

In Jesus' love,

Elijah Park from Poland