Campinas UBF CME, Brazil

  • by WMD
  • Oct 17, 2016
  • 1697 reads

Campinas is a municipality in São Paulo, part of Brazil’s Southeast Region. The population is about one million (2010). This city is at a distance of 96 km northwest of São Paulo and is located at an altitude of about 700m. It became a trading center for coffee in the 19th century. Recently, IT (Information Technology) has been developed, and the city is considered the capital of Silicon Valley Sterling in Brazil. It is also said that the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the State University of Campinas is one of the most well-renowned engineering schools in Brazil. 

The director of Campinas is M. Paulo Kim, and his co-worker is M. Sara Kim. They have been pioneering this campus since they came to Campinas from São Paulo in 2003. M. Andrew & Debora Kim are serving this chapter together with them. About 2 years ago, their son, Danny, accidently sank into a pool and became brain dead. Though he has not yet recovered consciousness, since the accident, the Lord has been letting him recover little by little. This is seen through his heart-beat, intestinal function, a sense of sight and hearing, regular breathing, a smile, and bowel movements. Indeed, God has heard and answered the prayers of brothers and sisters around the world. 

We consoled the child’s parents from our heart even in a small way. They could not join us in Bible study due to caring for Danny who was in pain. As a result, we had two Bible Study sessions, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. We studied Ephesians for the first and second lecture as well as Galatians. We also had a lecture on Biblical Children’s Education, an overview on marriage by faith, and a message for Sunday Worship Service.

In particular, through studying about Biblical Children Education on September 29th, we could console M. Andrew & Debora Kim with the word of God. After Sunday Worship Service, M. Andrew Kim invited all the attendants at the Sunday Worship Service to his house. We prayed for Danny, having a fellowship of love in Christ Jesus. On Saturday afternoon, we shared gracious testimonies.

M. Sara Kim graduated from Seoul National College of Education and became a primary school teacher. She joined a Spring Bible Conference at Chongro UBF and accepted Jesus’ grace of forgiveness. She resigned as a teacher in order to participate in Gospel work. Later, she entered Hankuk University of Foreign Education. She came to Brazil as a missionary in 1997. Most of all, she has served as a teacher of Korean Language for Sejong Hakdang in the State University of Campinas since 2015. She met many Brazilian sheep and faithfully served them through one to one Bible study. However, when she was going to raise them as disciples of Jesus, they felt burdened by it and left. This left her feeling as though her strength were gone. However, she has gained new strength and recovered a burning sense of mission through this CME Bible study. The Lord renewed her desire to bear fruit through disciple-making with the Holy Spirit’s guidance.   

Prayer Topics:

  1. For a powerful Portuguese Sunday worship service message.
  2. For Danny’s recovery. 
  3. To raise one Abraham and one Sarah of faith.
  4. For second-generation M. Anna Kim to pass the residency test at the Medical College of Campinas