São Paulo CME Report

  • by WMD
  • Oct 11, 2016
  • 1806 reads

     We arrived in Brazil, the largest country in both South America and Latin America. It is also the fifth largest country in the world. We traveled from Uruguay the second smallest country in South America to Brazil; it is the largest country in which Portuguese is the official language; its capital city is Brasilia. Brazil is home of the Samba dance and the Carnival. The population is about two hundred and ten million.

     The Portuguese began to settle in 1500 when an explorer, Pedro Álvares Cabral landed in Brazil. It has been independent of Portugal since 1822. Agricultural products, including sugarcane, coffee, soybeans, and poultry, are about 30 % of the total exports of Brazil in 2014. It is also rich in natural resources such as gold, diamond, iron ore, chromite, oil, and natural gas. Its total exports ($ 191.1 billion, 2015) was only 6.2% of GDP (Gross Domestic Product- $ 3.101 trillion as of 2015). Most Brazilians are Christians; 65% are Catholics and 22% are Protestants.    

     Six missionary-houses serve in São Paulo, Brazil. They are as follows: M. Elias & Joy Maria Park, M. Timteo & Teresa Han, M. Josue & Rute Han, M. Mathew & Paulino Kim, M. Noe & Priscila Jeong, M. Jose & Rebeca Kim. Two native shepherd-houses have been established: Shp. Nathan & Ataiena, Shp. Omar & Jeanne. These missionaries chiefly pioneer University of São Paulo, and Mackenzie University.

     We studied Ephesians in the first and second lecture; Galatians in the first lecture. This was followed by a Biblical children study, and an overview on Biblical marriage by faith. Afterwards, I delivered a message for the Sunday worship service. On Saturday afternoon, we each shared our gracious testimonies.

     Generally, missionaries each has renewed their calling as a missionary in each heart; each of them has prayed for praising God; each may be full of thanks in their heart, in all circumstances, like the apostle Paul, owing to three spiritual blessings. M. Elias Park, and M. Mathew Kim, each has decided to live a life guided by the Holy Spirit, repenting every day. São Paulo UBF prays for buying a new center, because its present center is small.

Prayer Topics:

1) To raise 12 disciples at University of São Paulo.
2) To grant each of 6 messengers a powerful message.
3) To buy a new center.
4) For a coordinator, M. Elias Park.