Dr. John & Sunji Jun’s La Plata UBF CME, Argentina

  • by WMD
  • Sep 15, 2016
  • 1760 reads

On September 4th, after Paternal (Buenos Aires II) UBF’s new Bible Center dedication ceremony, Msn. Isaac Cho took us to La Plata UBF center. It was about a one hour drive from Buenos Aires. While we were driving, we were amazed at beautiful scenes outside! The flocks of cows were peacefully grazing in the endless green grass of the open fields. Since cows are raised in the open field without fences, they say, “Argentine beef is the best in the world!” I tasted it. Yes, indeed it tasted great! Forests were so beautiful that we kept on saying, “Wow!” It is said that the whole country does not have many mountains. The temperature is 5 to 13 C, even though it is winter season here. It is good weather for working outside. 

The City of La Plata has a population of 900,000 and it is the capital of the state of Buenos Aires. The city seems to be quiet and good for residence. Msn. Sunji and I visited Msn. Isaac Cho’s wholesale clothing store. I learned that Korean business people dominate the apparel business of the country. 

We had very graceful Bible studies (1 & 2 Ephesians and a special lecture on Galatians). We studied about message writing and delivery. By God’s grace, I delivered the Sunday message. Msn. Isaac and Maria Cho were the only Korean missionary family here. Last July, S. Carlos and Josverlyn’s family joined the Cho’s, leaving their good job and beautiful home behind in Venezuela. M. Carlos’ family serves God’s work faithfully. When Spanish speaking coworkers come to Argentina, they can get a green card in short time and can serve God’s flock of sheep without much difficulty. I pray that this kind of mission strategy may work in other continents as well! 

Saturday we had heart-moving Bible testimony sharing time together. Msn. Maria Cho wrote a very deep and sincere Bible testimony. Her heart was full of thanksgiving, renewing the grace of salvation through the blood of Jesus! She prayed earnestly to serve campus students with an absolute attitude like St. Paul. Msn. Isaac Cho also renewed the amazing grace of forgiveness. He repented that he did not give his heart fully and enough time to prepare Sunday messages, due to his business. He decided to devote himself fully to prepare Sunday messages Fridays and Saturdays, entrusting his business to Msn. Maria. We sincerely prayed together to establish Msn. Carlos as the Co-Director of La Plata UBF!

Prayer Topics:

  • Powerful Sunday Message with devotion of heart and more time
  • Raising one Abraham and Sarah of faith 
  • Establishing M. Carlos as the Co-Director