News from La Plata, Argentine

  • by WMD
  • Sep 12, 2016
  • 1459 reads


“I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor.” (John 4:38)

Dear brothers, first of all, receive a big and strong hug from La Plata. As the title of this report states, today marks one month since we began our journey of faith to the Republic of Argentina. We did so offering our five loaves and two fish to God with the prayer that the Lord may use us to serve the students of La Universidad Nacional de La Plata (The National University of La Plata).

We want to thank you for your prayer. God in His will and mercy has heard your prayers and has guided this entire process in a marvelous way. We want to briefly share our experience with you that you may rejoice in the Lord and to ask that you may continue to support us in prayer. 

As you know, on May 31 at 6:00 pm we boarded our flight to Buenos Aires and at 1:00 am (Venezuelan time); we set foot on Argentine ground. It was a great shock to experience the drastic change in temperature. While we were sweating in Caracas, we found ourselves freezing in Argentina due to the low temperature. Josverlyn and I had not met Missionaries Isaac and Mary Cho; we had only spoken to them through WhatsApp or brief conversations over the phone lasting 2 minutes. However, when we exited the airport there were two people with Asian features waiting for us with flowers and who welcomed us with much love saying: “Welcome to Argentina!” It seemed like we had known each other for a long time since we talked all the way home praying and thanking God for our safe arrival.

Since the day following our arrival, we have been very active. That morning we woke up early and after spending personal time with God, we began the process to obtain our residency. This is a process that takes most people months, even years. However, we could see the hand of God that blessed every step in a timely manner. In this way, after only 10 days of arriving in La Plata we legally received our residency. Glory to God for his faithfulness!

La Universidad Nacional de la Plata (the National University of La Plata), or UNLP, is very large. It has 18 departments spread in different campuses throughout the city. This is a university city and everything revolves around the students. During our first week, we traveled to each campus and prayed. It was similar to a trip of exploration we had made in Venezuela. As we made initial contact on each campus, we saw many young students, the ripe harvest that God sent us to reap!

During our second week my wife and I began fishing every day, praying that God would lead us to those with an open and ready heart to receive his word. We also prayed that we might have a willing heart to listen to and understand Argentine people. We wanted to learn about their problems, struggles and history. The La Plata UBF center is located directly in front of the Engineering Department. As a result we spend most of our time fishing there. The first time we went fishing we met and spoke with a young man named Miguel who is a first year civil engineering student. He was on his way to a Physics class. After introducing ourselves and sharing about Jesus with him, we exchanged phone numbers. We would not have imagined that he would become our first Bible student. Two weeks after meeting, Miguel and I began Bible study and by the grace of God he has remained faithful. We are on our third Bible study and he is very excited and encouraged! Please remember him in your prayers. 

During other times of fishing we encountered “argentine pride” which is like the wall of Jericho. Many young people sincerely respond that they are not interested in God. Others say that they do not believe in God or that they don’t need him. There are also those who have different beliefs. Many young people have placed their faith in mankind, for example, politicians. Many UNLP students have been influenced by the history of this country and many of them support the social movements that we see in Latin America such as socialism, communism, or the Cuban Revolution. 

This has been a precious opportunity to share about Jesus with young people. Being that we are Venezuelan they immediately ask about our historical perspective and we tell them that the correct way or path is not found following the left or right wing since both have historically led to the suffering of the nation. A perfect example is the current situation of Venezuela. The only way is Jesus, Amen! Please pray that we may learn about and understand Argentine people better. 

In spite of the Argentine pride of many, we have met at least one open hearted person each time we have gone fishing. We have experienced the truth of God’s word in John 4:35 which says, “Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four months until harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.” We keep in contact with many sheep through social media and telephone especially with the prayer that Josverlyn may establish faithful Bible study with one student. Amen!

Three weeks after we arrived we had the privilege to witness the establishment of Maria Cho’s housechurch (daughter of Missionaries Isaac and Mary Cho). Many missionaries attended to bless her wedding including M. Jose and Maria Ahn (Chicago), John and Sunji Jun (Chicago), Esteban Cho (Bolivia), Elias Park (Brazil), and Joseph Kim (Brazil). That same week we had a united worship service among the three chapters of Argentina: Buenos Aires, Paternal y La Plata.  

During the service, Josverlyn and I shared our life testimonies. We also met many members and sheep from Argentina UBF who welcomed us serving us with delicious tea. My wife and I are currently the only new members in La Plata UBF. Our center is small and we have approximately 10 worship service attendants. Previously Maria Cho served praise and worship but after returning from her honeymoon she set out on another mission. This is why Josverlyn and I began to study music at a Christian institute to learn guitar and piano respectively. We pray that through learning music we may deeply worship God and guide our members into an intimate relationship with Jesus.

By the grace of God my wife began working as a saleswoman at the store of Missionaries Isaac and Mary Cho. They are very pleased with her work and God has blessed the labor of her hands. As a matter of fact, she is training to become a manager. As for me, I am beginning my PhD studies at UNLP. God has been very faithful and has guided every step. They have already assigned me a laboratory office at the University where I will conduct my research. Currently my mentor and I are working on structuring my thesis and planning out my studies. We are praying that they may approve my scholarship application so that I may not have to work elsewhere but may be able to dedicate more time to the work of God. 

Since we left, we have heard that God has been abundantly blessing the Venezuelan ministry. There was a Summer Bible Conference between Merida and Maracaibo as well as the gathering of members at Valles del Tuy. There are only 14 days until the first Summer Bible Conference in Caracas. We have seen the fruit of new outreach strategies such as UBF Olympics and spiritual warfare such as “Pray at all Times.” We pray that God may shed his mercy and power over Venezuelan students and that during these difficult times every Venezuelan may have Jesus in their heart as their true hope.

We remember you daily in our prayer, asking that God may grant grace and mercy to Venezuela so that his peace may reign and protect its people. We pray that you may stand firm in God’s work because our labor in the Lord is never in vain. Our country will surely become a kingdom of priests and a holy nation, Amen!

I hope to continue updating you in the future concerning our life of mission. We thank you in advance for your prayer for us. 

We love you in Christ,

Juan Carlos Vivas