News from Ethiopia

  • by WMD
  • Sep 02, 2016
  • 1664 reads

Mary Yoon's greetings from Ethiopia in Africa.

My Husband (Dr . Sam. Yoon ) and I arrived at Myungsung hospital in Addis Ababa on 08/19 after 23 hrs making a flight from L.A. 

They provided the apartment which is well equipped and food.  It is winter, rainy season now. It is raining everyday unpredictably, so carrying an umbrella is necessary.  It is chilly like California winter season. 

My husband started to treat patients in government clinic with medical students. As you can imagine, it is so poor country with unpaved road. And so many young people, ragged children hang around on the street. The prices is so high, for they don't make necessities in here, but import them from other country. I can see everywhere is pitiful. But I heard that gospel believers among young people are growing even without proper help, cares of leaders. To me it was amazing, but I believe that the Invisible God's hand is working in Ethiopian young people by his grace and mercy. 

I pray that the Lord may help me to share the gospel with those who know English. Most Ethiopians speak own language Amaric. 

Now we are waiting for documents from Korea and America for getting business VISA which enables us to stay longer here.  

We need the mosquito net which has protected us every night from being bitten.

Please pray for our good health and being led by the Holy Spirit. And we need wisdom from God to co- work with many other volunteers here.  I have a chance to talk Dr. Samuel Yoo who stays in Jimma that is  0ne hour flight away from Addis Ababa.  We hope to see him around in September.

Thank God for the prayer supports from missionaries from all over the world, sending news and prayer topics, especially thanks to all senior servants of God in Chicago.  I knew Dr.  Joseph and Esther Chung came back to Chicago.  Thank God who had used them so preciously in Uganda. 

May the Lord have mercy on M. Monica Park in Nigeria with his mighty healing power to get up from her bed!

In Christ Jesus,

Mary Yoon from Addis Ababa