Egypt UBF Summer Bible Conference

  • by WMD
  • Aug 24, 2016
  • 1371 reads

2016 Egypt UBF Summer Bible Conference Report (Dr. Oyor Moses on behalf of shepherd Ayman Ghawy)

Egypt UBF held their 2016 Summer Bible conference on August 19 - 20. The title was "Jesus is the World of God".  57 people attended the conference 23 from Asyut and 24 from Cairo chapter including children. Salah Rizk (Mamdouh’s father) delivered an opening message “The Right Attitude toward the Word of God" based on Matt. 13: 1 – 23. Rose Peter delivered the main message (I) "Jesus the Word of God" based on John  1: 1- 18. Brother Wahil delivered the main message (II) "You must be born again" based on John 3: 1 – 21. In the evening Anah (Coworker of Ayman)  delivered a graceful  life testimony.

On the second day Shep. Mamdouh delivered the morning devotion message "You are the Christ" from Matt. 16: 1 – 20.  Shep. Ayman Gawy delivered the main message (III) “Father of All Nations" based on Gen.  16 – 17. Dr. Oyor Moses delivered the closing message “A Royal Priesthood" based on Ex 19: 4 – 6.  Students from Asyut chapter presented a beautiful drama on campus evangelization. 

Through this conference we learned   about our clear identity as fathers and mothers of all nations to care for wondering students in campuses until Egypt is changed into a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.  We were filled with joy and sense of responsibility during the conference. Thank God for granting us such a graceful and beautiful conference.  

Prayer topics

1. Pray for the study of John’s gospel this year for both Cairo and Asyut chapters.

2. Pray to faithfully help students of Asyut University with the words of God and raise them as disciples of Jesus.

3. Pray to rent an apartment for the Bible center in Asyut.

4. Pray for Ayman and Mamdouh to grow as excellent Bible teacher and fathers of all Egypt.

5. Pray for peace in Egypt.

6. Pray for Shepherdess Rose to have successful PhD admission in Ain Shams University in Cairo.