2016 JBF National Conference Report, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Aug 22, 2016
  • 1342 reads


"Then Jesus asked him " What is your name?" (Mark5:9)

Hallelujah! We praise and thank God for richly blessing the JBF National SBC with the theme "Who Am I" on Aug 5-7 at the Youth Training Center in Jecheon, Korea. 

Its purpose was for JBF members to renew their true identity as children of God through the SBC. All 345 people attended from UBF local chapters in Korea (Jongro54, Yonhee65, Kyoungsung41, Gwanak26, Anam15, Hanyang14, Hansung5, Sungdong7, Jungreong4, Baebong5, Gwangwoon2, Dongkyo5, Inchun5, Wonchun2, Anyang8, Ansan4, Chunan1, Wonju4, Daejoen8. Jinju1, Gwangju69, 13 Second gens from overseas and 29 high-school students).

The graceful SBC began with a lively praise led by Gwangju UBF praise team leader, Banseok Nah. All attendees actively participated with great desire to praise God and His word. 

The Messengers were Jinsoo Kim (Jongro)- Main lecture 1,"It was very good" Gen 1:24-31. 

Kyounghoon Kim (Wonchun)- Main lecture 2 for Middle school students, "What is your name?" Mark 5:1-20. JInwha Sohn (Jongro)- Main lecture 2 for High school students, Mark 5:1-20. Paul Oh (Yonhee)- Main lecture 3, "A Royal Priesthood" 1Peter2:1-10). 

Representative testimony speakers were Abraham Kwak (Youngnam - lecture 1), Noah Lee (Jongro-lecture 2), Paulina Lee (Canada- lecture 2), Dongkyue Lee (Anam- lecture 3).

There also were seven ( High school) life testimony speakers: Banseok Kim(Gwangju), Pauline Park(Hanyang), Yechan Yoon(Gwanak), Jinju Kang(Gwangju), Yewon Kim(Yonhee), Joseph Shin(Kyoungsung), Jonathan Oh(Jongro). The other sincere testimony speakers were Sungmin Shin(Sungdong), Yerim Oh (Yonhee), Youngseong Kim(Gwangju), Faith Kim(Jongro), Yerim Kim(Gwangju), John Baek(Jongro), Yejin Kang(Kyoungsung), Zion Lee(Gwangju), Bokwon Choi(Jongro).

We Especially thank God for the seven high school life testimony speakers who shared their victorious lives of faith in God. They are overcoming a most difficult and challenging time in their lives as children of the living God. They were glorious examples of faith for those JBF members who are still stuck in puberty

The summery of the SBC is as follow:

First, The SBC was full grace through unprecedented powerful messages and heart moving testimonies. Through their messages and testimony preparation God  preciously used the sacrifices and prayers of Sh. Seongwon Kim(Wonchun), Sh. Caleb Kim(Jongro1), Sh. Spurgoen Lee(Jongro2), Sh. Byounghee Han(Yonhee) as messenger trainers and testimony speaker/trainers.

Second, The SBC with the proper theme and its well organized plot. 

The reason we chose the theme "Who Am I ?" was for all UBF second gens so that they may renew their true identity as Holy children of God  through the word of God and overcome postmodernism of this generation. We also newly attempted to apply our Bible study with Q & A in groups based on "Children's Education Revolution, Herb Rue", inviting all to participate in the discussion through the GBS. And Bible Quiz-Golden Bell led by Aguila Moon was well supported the main messages increasing each one's knowledges about Bible and God through it. 

Third, The SBC with good co-working with one in heart between UBF chapters. Our preparing committee members from local chapters were working closely with one another through Kakao Talk Chat

and made it beautiful SBC. They are Moses Kim( Gwangju), Seongwon Kim(Wonchun), Ludia Lim( Chunan), Joseph Cho(Gwanak), Mija Lee(Yonhee),Elizabeth Lee( Kyoungsung), SEran Moon( Gwangju), Hongmin Lee(Kyoungsung), Paul Oh( Yonhee), Jiwha( Kim(Gwangju),Hosun Oh( GwangJu), Abraham Lee(Jongro),Myounghee Kim( Yonhee),Banseok Nah(Gwangju), Sehan Lee(Kyoungsung),Mark Han( Gwangju),John Ahn(Gwangju) and Zachariah Lee( Kyoungsung).

We thank God for 2016 JBF National SBC with unprecedented powerful messages and heart moving testimonies ( There were many wanted to share their testimonies but we stopped because of the time limit at the meeting). We also thank God for enabling all attended JBF members to renew their clear identity as children of God through the SBC. We thank to Sh. David Kim( Korea UBF director), each chapter directors and missionaries who gave prayer and material support for the JBF SBC.

We pray that God may continue to raise UBF second gens as disciples of Jesus for world mission work sending 100,000 missionaries by 2041.     

Moses Kim( Gwangju)