Encounter 2016, Germany

  • by WMD
  • Aug 18, 2016
  • 1901 reads

Praise God who blessed our young people once again through his powerful word and spirit.

We are very grateful that Encounter 2016 has helped some 140 young people to understand the reality and nature of the kingdom of God.

The 2 final days brought again deep Bible study, clear messages, and testimonies to God's grace.

Esra Hong shared his life testimony. He thanked God for helping him in a critical time so that he could realize the Bible as fully trustworthy. Since then, God has raised him as a person who enables others to serve God.

Bruno Aussant delivered the message on John 10, declaring Jesus' Kingship as a shepherd and that the way to enter His kingdom is through Jesus himself as the only gate for the sheep.

Friday afternoon was focused pretty much on preparing a skit or video on The Kingdom.

The 10 presentations were overwhelming in clarity and ingenuity so that it was hard to decide on a winning group.

And like last year, Pauline Lee and Isidora Printezi had prepared a video full of humor  with highlights of their peers over the past 12 months.

Worship night was powerful and gracious at the same time.

The band, including people from 5 different and far apart chapters, had prepared so well and performed as a unit that we could only praise God over them.

They even had written their own theme song "God is on the move now" for this conference.

Prayer time also was received very well and lasted long after the music had stopped.

After that, many of the young people crowded in the room where each participant's profile was given, and there they wrote notes of encouragement for many.

Today, Catalina Nastase shared her life testimony on John 15:5. She expressed the grace of Jesus who saved her from her miserable past and established her as a Bible teacher in Romania.

Her Bible student Bianca also attended this conference and was richly blessed.

Esther Nett delivered the closing message on John 15 with the title "Kingdom Expansion." She pointed out that we need two things for a fruitful life: to remain in Jesus, and to love one another.

The passage was very helpful to encourage all the young people on their way, in their personal lives and mission.

We thank God for a very meaningful conference.

We praise God that he has worked especially among the very young participants so that there were 8 new decisions for Jesus.

We are very thankful for the organizing team - Esra Hong, Esther Nett, Sua Kim.

God heard their call for new young leaders to take responsibility.

The so-called vision team are Maria Kim (Switzerland), Sarah Han (France), Joy Kim, Jesin Yu, Rebekka Ryu, and Peter Nett (all Germany).

This has proven as a major step in making this second Encounter conference spiritually deeper than the first has been.

All honor and praise be to God.

In Christ Jesus,
