Hanyang 1,2,3 & Ansan UBF Joint SBC

  • by WMD
  • Aug 17, 2016
  • 1104 reads

“Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine, and milk without money and without cost"(Isaiah55 :1).

On July15-18 Hanyang 1, 2, 3, and Ansan UBF held its joint SBC at Chooyang House located next to Seorak Mountain in Korea. God blessed this SBC with 136 attendees (including 25 sheep, 28 missionaries , second gens, as well as native shepherds from six nations).

The highlights of the SBC are as follow: 

First: We had focused on raising student disciple-leaders rather than inviting new students. We thank God for raising seven student messengers among the nine messengers. They (John Jun, Moses Goo Jr., Hyunsoo Lee, Paul Choi, Sarah Chae, Dajung Byun, Hannah Jun) wholeheartedly prepared their messages despite their busy schedule, and delivered them boldly and gracefully. Among laymen, Sh. JaeKyoon Choi and David Lee also gave graceful messages.  

Second: We thank God for working mightily through the Holy Spirit in each person's heart. Most of the attendees were greatly moved by the word “What is Your Name" on Mark 5. Twenty-six young brothers and sisters shared their graceful testimonies. Through their testimonies, they confessed their hidden sins and made clear decisions in the presence of God while Glorifying Him. In addition, the missionaries and sheep from China shared testimonies in their native language. Although they were hard to understand at times, their testimonies were very heart moving.

Third: Through the SBC God has given us all true rest physically and spiritually. In the afternoon of the first day, we all could enjoy water play  at the beach at the foot of Seorak Mountain. On the second and third days, we focused on hearing the messages, meditating, and writing testimonies. At the end of each day, we all also could enjoy God's beautiful creation world by climbing Seorak Mountain, Ulsanbawi Rock, Gwonguemseong Fortess, and Biseondae Rock. By this, we all also had wonderful fellowship with God and one another in His love.

Fourth: Good co-working through sharing responsibilities for the conference: 

It was not easy for our coworkers to serve the SBC right after serving the 2016 WMR and the guests from overseas. However, all of our coworkers faithfully bore their duties overcoming all difficulties. Especially Sh. Barnabas Kim, who worked hard to prepare all the programs amid in his busy schedule as a graduate student. Our staff shepherds concentrated on training messengers and prayer. We praise and thank God for guiding us and for His full grace upon us through the SBC.

 Joshua Lee