Young Learders’ Conference in Brazil

  • by WMD
  • Aug 03, 2016
  • 1795 reads

The Young Leaders’ Conference in Brazil, entitled “Let us be Warriors of Faith,” was held on July 12th to 15th. This conference had 34 participants: 17 from Brazil UBF, 1 from West LA UBF, USA, 4 from Bonn UBF, Germany, 2 from Chile UBF, 1 from Paternal UBF, Argentina, 8 from Santa Cruz 1 and 2, Bolivia UBF, 1 from South Korea. Based on Hebrews chapter 11, we wanted to learn the life of faith. The messages were delivered in English.

On the first day, we heard the message delivered by a 2nd-generation Missionary, Samuel Kim, based on Hebrews 11:1-7. Through this message, we learned about faith that pleases God, a faith that believes God’s existence and that believes He rewards us when we seek Him. After the message, we had a lesson called “Creation’s Faith,” by Missionary Joshua Ahn. Through this lesson, we learned about the limits of Science and that faith is the only path to truly and deeply understand and accept God’s creation.

On the second day, after the GBS, we had a message, delivered by a 2nd-gen Missionary, Joshua Park, based on Hebrews 11:8-22. We learned about the faith of the ancestors of faith established with 4 pillars: separation, patience, hope in the Heavenly Country, and obedience. After lunch, we had time to write and share testimony in groups. At night, we had a lesson, entitled “How to manage your finances,” by Missionary Noah Jeong. Through this lesson, we learned that money belongs to God, and we have to learn how to use it according to God’s will.

On the third day, we heard the message delivered by a 2nd-gen Missionary, Moses Park, based on Hebrews 11:23-28. We learned about the faith of Moses, a faith that confesses our true identity as God’s people and waits for His promises. After dinner, we had a lesson from the movie, “Chariots of Fire,” given by Missionary Timothy Han. We learned that our life is a race, and we have to keep running: not to win worldly success, but for God. After the lesson, we had testimony sharing and group presentations, where each group presented a music, drama or dance, based on the conference’s theme and Bible passages. Each group showed a lot of creativity, and it was very helpful in promoting unity among the young leaders. 

On the fourth day, we had a message, delivered by a 2nd-gen Missionary, Isaac Kim about the faith that wins. Through this message, we learned that when we believe and stand firm in Jesus Christ, we can experience a faith that makes us victorious in every respect of our lives.

After the conference, we had a São Paulo city tour. We went to the famous Monument to the Bandeiras. The bandeirantes were the first explorers of inland Brazil. They enlarged Brazilian territories, challenging great fear and myths about the unknown lands in the depths of the Brazilian forest. Through them, we learned a pioneering spirit. We went to Pateo do Colegio, where the state of São Paulo was established. São Paulo means Saint Paul, a great apostle of God. Through this touristic place, we learned the spiritual meaning of São Paulo’s state: to be a state of pioneering, going to all of Brazil, Latin America and to the entire World, as Paul did. This is our prayer topic.  

After the SWS, we went to Rio de Janeiro (July, 17th-20th), led by a 2nd-gen, Joshua Park. We went to paradisiac Rio de Janeiro, and we visited touristic places (Christ the Redeemer statue, Sugarloaf Mountain, beaches, etc). On the last night of the trip, the young leaders shared testimony.

On the last day of our trip, we went to a nearby city called Arraial do Cabo, where we had a boat ride to visit many beautiful beaches. It was an extraordinary trip, and we had a good time of fellowship together. We saw how beautiful God’s creation is.

Through the conference and the vision trip, we learn the importance of faith. Without faith, we can’t please God or win in this life. Only by faith, when we believe in Jesus Christ, can we receive God’s blessing. Faith in Jesus is the most important thing, because He is our Savior, and He gives us eternal life. Through this conference, the participants opened their hearts to receive God’s Word and received desire to live by faith. This decision gave them happiness, freedom and peace in their hearts. 

We thank God for giving us this opportunity to serve this conference. And we pray that God may bless all the participants of the conference to grow as warriors of faith in this generation. Thank you for your prayers.

In Christ,

M. Elias Park.​​​​​