Thailand UBF Summer Bible Conference

  • by WMD
  • May 31, 2016
  • 1520 reads

On May 20 – 22, Thailand UBF held its graceful SBC with the theme “You have the words of eternal life"(John 6:68) at Nakhonnayok in Thailand.

Three months before the conference, we had begun united prayer meetings for the SBC so that we could overcome Satan’s attack among our sheep. We also prayed with the expectation for the great work of the Holy Spirit through the SBC. We thank God for raising four messengers and three life testimony speakers through this conference. 

M. Banseok Lee gave the opening message “I have found the Messiah" and encouraged all the attendees to give heed to the word of God and meet Jesus personally.  

The Main Lecture 1: “You have the words of eternal life” was gracefully given by Sh. Luke. I see in him the potential to grow l as a prominent messenger in the future. I believe God has given him this gift. 

The Main Lecture 2: “Deny himself and take up his cross" was boldly delivered by Sh. Tam Paul based. Based on his personal experience as a shepherd for God's flock, he had made a decision and has been struggling to feed five sheep and to read the entire Bible twice this year. He is a good coworker, helping and serving of all our ministry work like an intern shepherd.

The Evening Lecture: “Follow me” was given by Dr.Mongkol. Through the message, he encouraged all of us to follow Jesus with the same spiritual values as Matthew did.       

We especially thank God for raising three life testimony speakers (Toi, Mai, and Lek) at the first day and for among them two baptized. God richly blessed our conference with 38 attendees, which were 14 more than last year’s SBC. We also thank God that our native shepherds who invited new sheep and voluntarily hosted the conference.

As for our ministry, during this year my family will be alone because our eight Korean missionaries will return to Korea due to their work. However, we believe and thank God that our native shepherds will actively serve the campus ministry with a spirit of ownership.

Prayer topics:

1. For Sunday message on the Gospel of Matthew

2. For fellowship leaders to grow and double in number

3. For the sheep who attended SBC to grow as disciples through one to one and SWS

4. For M. Banseok Lee's self-supporting     

Banseok Lee