Letter from Fukuoka, Japan

  • by WMD
  • Apr 21, 2016
  • 1443 reads

Dear servants of the Lord:

Thank you for your prayer support for us!

By God's grace the region of Fukuoka was not greatly damaged by the earthquake. Our brothers and sisters including my family also are safe until now. The powerful earthquake rocked the southern Japanese city of Kumamoto, next to us. We experienced strong aftershocks throughout the night. But we believe that it will be all right. Just continue to pray for us.

One good news is that brother Dakeshima, who attended last CME in Fukuoka led by Dr. John Jun, was baptized on April 3, 2016. We thank God for this.

We also thank God for Dr. John & Sarah Jun who served us with love and prayer during the CME in Fukuoka.

Please pray that Japanese people may have spiritual concerns rather than materials and return to God in this time of disaster.

Joseph Choi