Depok UBF EASTER, Indonesia

  • by WMD
  • Apr 18, 2016
  • 1703 reads


Key Verse Luke 7:14 “Then he went up and touched the bier they were carrying him on, and the bearers stood still.  He said, ‘Young man, I say to you, get up!’”

    The Depok UBF Easter conference was gracious and full of joy from beginning to end.  There were many thirsty sheep there, and the word of God beamed from each and every one of the speakers brightly!  The opening messenger was Msn Musa Im, and he delivered a very thoughtful message on the marriage and the resurrection from Luke 20:27-40.  

    After group Bible study, we had the main message of the conference on Luke 7:11-17 delivered by Msn. John Lee.  As always, Msn. John really captured the deep meaning of Jesus who raised a young man from the dead.  The Holy Spirit was definitely at work throughout the conference, as people repeated the key verse over and over!  The trio drama given by Billy, Isak and Ian was a very thoughtful depiction of the message we had just heard.

    The next day, I was the messenger giving the message on the Crucifixion from Luke 23:1-49.  I confess to not giving my heart to message preparation, and for this I deeply repented and cried out to God at the conference.  I have no idea why my message delivery went smoothly, because I am still a beginner at speaking Indonesian.  I believe that God blessed my message because He wants to change Indonesia into the hub, base camp, and power station for all muslim nation pioneering.  

    The last GBS was very inspiring for many.  I could see very clearly the great work of God in Iin, who courageously confessed her spiritual struggle when we studied Luke 24.  In my group, several members then spoke very personally about their own struggles and how they wanted to please God and live a blessed life of faith.  

    The closing messenger was Msn. Joshua Ahn, who delivered a very powerful message on the Resurrection from Luke 24.  Throughout the conference, the music servants successfully prepared the environment each and every time, with their spirited words of encouragement, and the great songs that were selected before each message.  

    It is clear that there are some growing leaders in Depok UBF.  It is more than clear that God wants to change Indonesia into the HUB for all muslim nation pioneering little by little.  I thank God for Msn. Peter Lee’s life of faith.  He has provided great leadership for Indonesia in general!  We pray for 120 SWS attendants, 120 1 to 1 Bible studies, 30 English WS attendants, and 5 house churches in Depok.  Thank you for your prayers for Indonesia!  God bless you!