2016 Egypt UBF Easter Conference Report

  • by WMD
  • Apr 13, 2016
  • 1528 reads

Egypt UBF held their 2016 Easter conference on April 2 - 3. The theme of the conference was "I Have Seen the Lord". During the conference, we studied John’s gospel chapters 18, 19 and 20. Brother Samir Gondy delivered an opening message with the title "The Greater Love"  based on  Jn 15: 12-13. Dr. Oyor Moses delivered the main message I, “The Suffering of the Christ”.  Missionary Rose Peter delivered the main message II, “Jesus Was Crucified for Us”.  Shepherd Ayman Gawy delivered the main message III, "I have Seen the Lord". 32 people including children attended the conference. Shepherd Mamdouh Saleh from Asyut Chapter attended the conference.

Through this conference we learned much about Jesus who willingly gave himself through his suffering, death and resurrection to save us from our sin. As a thanksgiving to God, we decided to share Jesus in his suffering through serving Egypt campus mission sacrificially. Ayman and Rose Peter decided to travel to Asyut (6 hours’ drive from Cairo) once a month in order to help Mamdou who is taking care of growing numbers of Bible students. Also we decided to travel to Asyut this month for one-day discipleship conference in order to encourage Mamdou , his wife Evon and 10 growing Bible students there. May God help us to participate effective in Jesus’ sacrificial love and suffering.

Prayer topics 

  • For faithful and deep Bible study every week.
  • To invite 10 new university students to Bible study in Cairo chapter.
  • For moving our Bible center to a suitable and safe place so that many students may easily come.
  • Ayman and Mamdou to grow as excellent Bible teachers and economically self-supporting.
  • Good heath and comfort for Evon (Mamdou’s wife)
  • Successful Ph.D study of Rose Peter.
  • For peace in Egypt.