Mexico City UBF Easter Bible Conference

  • by WMD
  • Apr 11, 2016
  • 1513 reads

“Get up! Pick up your mat and walk” (John 5:8).

  Our Easter bible conference was titled “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk” and was held from March 24th to 27th at Club Campestre Teotihuacan, one hour drive away from Mexico City. There were a total of 232 attendees, including: 5 from Cuautitlan Izcalli, 5 from Normal, 3 from Queretaro, 8 from Politecnico (IPN), 1 from Ecuador, 22 from Acatlan, and 9 from Puebla. At the same time was the Easter Bible conference of second generation. 

  The opening message was delivered by Shepherd Hugo and we learned about 4 testimonies of Jesus based John 5; thus he invited us to hear and see these testimonies during our conference. On the first night we heard the message about Nicodemus by Shepherdess Carolina from Acatlan; we learned how important is that one is born again of water and the Spirit to see and enter the Kingdom of God. On Friday morning the message was delivered by Shepherd Carlos and it was about one Samaritan woman who had a thirsting heart, and only when she met Jesus, she could quench her thirst; through this message we could meditate on what kind of thirst we still have in our hearts.

  Through the main lecture, Shepherd Luis Armando preached about one paralytic of Bethesda and how he was raised by Jesus. Then came the message based on John 13, when Jesus washed his disciples’ feet to teach humility and to serve; this message was served by Shepherd Enrique. 

  On the morning, the third day, we heard the message of Isaiah 53 about Christ´s crucifixion and was given by Shepherd Alejandro Lopez; through this message we saw the deep love of God. The main message was about the first part of Jesus’ resurrection, 1 Corinthians 15, that was preached powerfully by Shepherd Noah from Puebla.

  The word of God moved hearts of all the attendees and we all wrote our Bible testimony. Among all participants, 15 students shared their testimonies with the whole congregation. They brought all charges on sin, pain and sadness to the cross of Jesus and filled with joy by the grace of Jesus´s forgiveness. 

  The evening message was served by Shepherd David Villalobos on the second part of the resurrection; we learned that death has been swallowed up in Jesus´s victory. That night we celebrated the festival with the performance of 2 Mexican traditional dance named Rascapetate, the drama entitled “Jesus raises men,” and the performance of the UBF orchestra playing beautiful pieces. We all have been filled with joy that Christ´s grace gave to us.

  On Sunday morning, we heard the message of Zion Mount from Isaiah 2, given by Shepherd Jorge; thus we learned that the Bible is the true mountain. Finally on the Sunday worship service, the message was served by Shepherd Caleb about a man born blind that didn’t forget Jesus´s grace; we learned that by the salvation grace we must serve the gospel whole-heartedly to evangelize Latin America and all the world.

Raúl Muñoz.