Daniel Park Update

  • by WMD
  • Apr 05, 2016
  • 1446 reads

  Praise the Lord God! He answered the powerful prayers of all our coworkers around the world! M. Daniel and Ana Park served El Salvador mission for 4 years. He had to return to Korea one year and 3 months ago for lung cancer treatment. Last week the lung was found, filled with water. So a surgery was done. But the water could not be taken out. It was because the liquid became dense even solid. So they closed because the operation was very risky. But the doctors decided to do one more time as a last resort on Monday 4/4. 

  So I asked prayer supports and all our coworkers around the world prayed for him and his surgery. So this Monday when the doctor opened the lung again, they found that the dense liquid became water again and they could suck out the water. it must be the  power of the prayers and the power of resurrection of Jesus. Now, may God restore his health completely to be a witness to the resurrection of Jesus. 

In Christ, 

Sarah Hwang(Mexico).