HBF Easter Retreat 2016

  • by WMD
  • Mar 29, 2016
  • 781 reads


32 in attendance. 23 students, 2 from Milwaukee. We studied Luke 19, Luke 15, and Philippians 3. There were three messages and one group Bible study on The Parable of the Lost Son (Lk 15). This allowed for a very deep study of one passage.

I’m thankful for the 6 Senior messengers. They struggled a lot. They worked really hard. It was my prayer that each Senior experience the power of God’s word in their personal lives, and then out of the overflow of what God does in their hearts, others would be blessed. I believe God answered our prayer.

Also thankful for 4 Junior group Bible study leaders and 2 life testimonies from Moses Lee and Miriam Pierce.

The conference was full of God’s word and his spirit. The climax of the conference was a powerful and spirit-filled prayer time on Friday night (led by Christine Mun) where many students shed tears as they prayerfully reflected on God’s heart for the lost.

Praise God for revealing the power in God’s word through this conference. We pray that each student would grow in a deep personal relationship with God through what Jesus, their true older brother, has already done for them.