Korea JBF Teachers’ Meeting

  • by WMD
  • Feb 19, 2016
  • 1719 reads

Be Examples to the Flocks 

Korea UBF held its JBF teachers’ meeting on Saturday, February 13th, 2016 at Anam center. Twenty-eight JBF teachers gathered together from all of local chapters in Korea. The purpose of the meeting was to prepare and discuss detailed programs for the upcoming JBF summer conference.  

The following teachers attended the meeting: 

Moses Kim, Noah Whang, Humble Ahn, Soojin Ahn (Anam); Sarah Kim, Myung-Sook Oh, Myung-Hee Kim, Mija Lee (Yeon-Hui); Zechariah Lee, Elizabeth, Bobae Kim (Kyung-sung); Abraham Lee, Esther Baek, Aeran Suh (Jong-ro);  Joseph Cho (Gwanak); Esther Min, Sarah Sohn (Hanyang); Joann Baek, Petra Lim (Baebong); Seong-won Kim (Wonchon); Sun-nam Chang, Ji-hyung Oh (Incheon); Byung-joo Koh (Yongon); Sung-in Lee, Prayer Lee (Anyang); Ludia Lim (Chunan); Moses Kim, Hosun Lee (Gwangju)  

Shepherd Noah Whang of Anam ministry delivered the opening message from 1 Peter 5:1-4, titled, “Be Examples to the Flocks.” He shared (in summary), “To become good shepherds, we must first become good disciples of Jesus. We must daily receive forgiveness of our sins and learn the shepherd heart of Jesus. When we shepherd God’s flock with thanksgiving and joy, we will receive glory and honor when Jesus comes back.” 

The teachers made following decisions on the program: 

1. Conference theme: “Renew our identity as children of God.” 

2. Main Lecture1: “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.” (Genesis 1) 

Main Lecture 2: “What is your name?” (Mark 5)

Special Lecture: “It is finished.” (John 19)

Main Lecture 3: “A royal priesthood.” (1 Peter 2) 

3. Main Lecturers: Mark Park (Jongro, 2nd Gen) has confirmed. Three other lecturers are still to be recommended. 

4. Conference Location: (Tentative) Jecheon Youth Training Center in Choonchung Province, Korea. Total capacity is 400. 

Preparation Committee Members are as follows: 

Planning: Moses Kim 

Messages: Seong-won Kim 

Testimonies: Ludia Lim 

Intercessory prayer: Elizabeth Lee

Fellowship: Jongro, Gwangju 

Staff: Mija Lee, Aeran Suh, Jiwha Kim

Guidance: Abraham Lee, Paul Oh, Prayer Lee, Sung-in Lee

Snacks: Myung-hee Kim

Research: Gwangju

Team Activities: Jongro