Prayer for The Next Successor of Washington UBF pastor/director

  • by UBF HQ
  • Feb 16, 2016
  • 3944 reads

Dear Precious UBF members,

"And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others." (2 Timothy 2:2)

Last November we celebrated 40 years of enduing gospel work of God in Washington UBF. We began the work of God in a small rented house with three missionary families near University of Maryland. Today, God blessed us to have 120 members consisted of CBF, JBF/HBF, Young Disciples of Jesus (YDJ), and Maturing Disciples of Jesus (MDJ). God is building a Christian community which supports, encourages, builds, and loves each other.

At the same time God provided a wonderful, beautiful, and spacious Bible center next to University of Maryland which has 40,000 students located at the proximity of the Nation's Capital Washington D.C. Our Bible center has 12 study rooms, a youth hall, a dining hall, a library, a nursery, and a a dining hall with 60 parking spaces. 

God provided a great spiritual environment for us to expand the gospel ministry to the next generation. I am retiring this year from the position of pastoral and directoral ministry after 40 years of serving Washington ministry. I praise and give glory to God who saved me from the hands of robbers and enabled me to serve God's flocks with humility and love.

This church belongs to our Lord Jesus Christ who is the head of the body of Christ. 

I believe that it is God who began good works among us and will continue his salvation work through new and young leadership. 

​Now ​we are inviting a man of vision who can lead us to the next 40 years of fruitful gospel ministry with a shepherd heart and humility and love. We are openly searching for a next generation leader like Joshua who will expand the kingdom of God among USA college students with God's clear calling and challenging leadership.

Please pray for us to find the next successor of Washington UBF pastor/director with the help of God.

Term will be until the age of 70 as long as the pastor/director desires to do so unless there are serious problems like controversy or criticism through accounting fraud, sexual harrassment, or unacceptable behaviors within the church community. The position can be terminated 2/3 votes of the board of elders stipulated in the constitution of Washington UBF.


Washington UBF will provide housing, salary and other expenses for the director/pastor

Time Lines:

Application deadline-April 30

Interviews May1 to July 31

Final Decision by August 31

Installation of a new pastor/director November 5, 2016

Attached you will find an application form, a search procedure, and a qualifications form.

May God bless you all!

Your debtor in Christ,

Jacob Lee