Belize UBF Annual Misssion Report

  • by WMD
  • Feb 12, 2016
  • 1414 reads

  Key verse for 2015 was Micah 4:2b, “The law will go out from Zion, the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.” Prayer topics were 30 1:1s, 20 Sunday worship attendants and 6 Bible teachers to be raised. We also prayed for 10 to attend to Guatemala International Conference.

  The highest 1:1s a week was 19 and average 10. Most of them were M. Sarah’s 1:1s. We need more Bible teachers to achieve 30 1:1. Dillon, Shannelle, Darren became 1: 1 Bible teachers. Sunday worship attendants were average 12. M. Moses delivered Sunday messages faithfully, and once a month S. Dillon delivered. He is growing as a Bible teacher and a preacher of the gospel. We studied John’s gospel, Acts and I Corinthians. Now we have 3 fellowships to meet weekly, and study the Bible and share testimonies. 

  In April we attended Guatemala International Summer Bible Conference (April 2-4). We prayed for 10 to attend, but 9 attended. One faithful sheep withdrew in the last minute. I tried to help him with Jesus’ word, “Come to me.” But he did not listen to Jesus’ word. Later he repented and came back. On the way to Guatemala our bus was hit by a small car and fell to a ditch. But it leaned to the hill, and there were a few people hurt. God protected us. God used Dillon as a messenger, Shannelle as a life testimony speaker. 

  After the conference, Pastor Abraham and M. Sarah Kim, and M. Elias Park visited us. We were greatly encouraged by the study of Paul’s rented house ministry (Acts 28) and the message of “Seek First His Kingdom”(Mt 6:33). S. Melanie shared her testimony of her commitment to campus mission. We thank God for their visit and prayer for us.

  We had Summer Bible Conference in July 31-Aug 2 with the theme, “Your name shall be Israel.” 24 attended. Messengers were Dillon, Charles, Darren, and Dianell. God sent M. Hannah Ku and M. Tunde Adebola from Washington UBF to serve this conference. They made good environment with music, life testimony and a message. We thank God for Washington UBF’s prayer and support. Darren made a decision of faith to serve God through UBF. He became 1:1 Bible teacher and a fellowship leader.

  We had Christmas worship service with the title, “Glory to God in the highest.” 20 attended. We thank God for sending his one and only Son to a manger to be the Savior for all people, the Messiah, and the Lord. As the vast heavens declare the glory of God, the angels sang glory to God because of baby Jesus in a manger. 

  3 fellowships offered their songs to God and we sang together, “Gloria in Exelsis Deo.” Thank God for establishing 3 fellowships: Humble Shepherd, Israel, God First fellowship. We pray for S. Melanie, S. Darren and S. Dillon to have shepherd heart for their members and serve them with the word of God and prayer. At this time, our shepherdesses served Christmas lunch with joyful heart. We thank God for answering our prayer for women ministry. May God bless our men ministry as well and raise many disciples of Jesus Christ!

  I had a back pain for four months, but with stretch the pain had gone. I had tooth ache for 6 months on and off and also swimmer’s ear. But now I have no pain. Thank God for granting me and M. Sarah good health. Personally I did not use time wisely. Message preparation was delayed to the last minute. I did not study diligently and did not go campus fishing faithfully. 

  Though we had daily bread prayer meetings every day and campus prayer meetings every week, I did not wait for God to answer our prayers in faith and eager expectation. I want to learn the power of prayer. I need to work hard with my talent and make profit in the work of God. In spite of my shortcomings, God has been faithful and working among us. May God grant me wisdom to use time wisely and productively! May God answer our prayers and raise many Bible teachers and shepherds! 

  The key verse for 2016 is Acts 6:4, “and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word.” We want to continue to pray for the ministry of the word to grow and bear much fruits. We want to raise Bible teachers and servants of God’s word. God gave S. Dillon to serve St. John’s College students with the word of God. We pray to send out Bible teachers to Belmopan, this nation’s capital and to the nation of Barbados. May God bless the ministry of the word to be fruitful in 2016!

Prayer topics are:

  • 30 1:1s and 20 SW attendants.
  • For 6 Bible teachers to be raised.
  • 1 student with music talent.
  • For Sunday messages to be powerful.
  • To establish house churches.
  • To have a suitable Bible house.
  • For 3 Fellowships to grow.
  • To pioneer St John’s college, Belmopan and Barbados.

One word:  Focus on prayer and the ministry of the word.