Campinas, Brazil Missionl Report

  • by WMD
  • Feb 10, 2016
  • 1520 reads

Ephesians 4:2-3 “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in   love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”

At the beginning of the year, I chose this verse for my spiritual and personal growth.

1. The work of the word of God and at the conference.

  Missionary Paulo served Sunday messages with 1 Peter, the Gospel of Mark, Hebrews and the Christmas messages. Starting on the 15th of January to the 18th, the international conference of South America in Buenos Aires, Argentina took place. I attended this conference with missionary Sarah Kim and Seong Eun Kim, a second gen. Missionary Sarah Kim obtained new strength through the word at the conference and through loving fellowship with the missionaries, and took John 21:15 as her New Year’s key verse. 

  And there was a conference in Brazil from April 30th to May 3rd. Sister Thaís received grace from the word, and shared her repentance testimony. Missionary Anna Kim, a second gen, preached the message on Genesis 3. Missionary Anna Kim was in her final year of medical school, and prepared the message staying up late, and she preached it with power. Through word from Revelation 21, the missionaries received the hope of the kingdom of God.

2. The work of 1:1 ministry.

  Missionary Sarah Kim and Debora Kim began to teach Korean classes and invited new sheep to study the Bible 1:1 and to worship service. Among those students, Lucas, Newman, and Deborah studied the Bible and attended worship service. Also Anna Kim, Joana Kim and Gracia Kim, second generation missionaries, and Luana, Thais and William served through 1:1 Bible study and prayer.

3. Collaboration.

  I thank God that despite the affliction through Daniel’s accident, Missionaries Andrew and Deborah Kim collaborated in the work of God with prayer, praise, cleaning the Bible house, serving food, etc. I also appreciate that Anna Kim, Joana Kim and Seong Eun Kim collaborated in worship service through praise and prayer.

4. The work of the second generation missionaries.

  Anna Kim finished her medical school studies of six years by the grace of God, and obtained her license to practice medicine. Joana Kim visited Korea and was restored spiritually through experiencing God's love. Seong Eun Kim was victorious in the first year of computer engineering at the University of Campinas by God's grace, despite his young age.

5. The Bible house change. 

  The former Bible house was a good place for hosting conferences for sheep and had a good environment. But due to the cost, we moved to a more economic place.

6. My mission life. 

  I thank God that I could preach all the Sunday worship service messages without missing one in the whole year of 2015, pondering the word of God which is full of grace. I thank God that I was able to collaborate with Missionaries Andrew and Deborah Kim with love during their difficulties. I thank God that through difficulties I discovered my faults, weaknesses and sins, and grew in patience. I thank God that, amidst failures and mistakes, I learned that I must obey the will of God first.

  I pray that based on Isaiah 2:3, key verse in this year, 2016, I may go to my good Father God for his teaching, and may walk along the path of light of the Lord, in any situation, so that He may help me to have a spiritual insight and to deliver a prophetic word, by knowing how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ and practicing it, and by distinguishing, fighting with, the power of sin and Satan in this age.  We also pray that He may raise 12 disciples of the Lord Jesus, such as brothers Paulo and Newman, sisters Fernanda, Thais, Luana, and Debora. May the Lord let us always pray for little Dani and not give up!  Amen!

Paulo Kim