Botswana Mission 2015

  • by WMD
  • Feb 05, 2016
  • 1646 reads


Hebrews 7:25, "Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them."

  We had daily bread sharing and prayer meeting on campus for brothers and sisters. We called this meeting 'holy meeting.' Through this meeting, we prayed that they might receive spiritual power to overcome their weaknesses and the sinful campus environment. This meeting helped us prepare for the Easter Bible conference together. The Easter Bible conference was held on March 14–15 in my house. We learned about John 8 and Luke 15. 10 students and 8 students participated in the first day and the second day respectively. God raised two duet drama players and two representative testimony sharers. All the students were encouraged to write their own testimonies and confess their sins.  We enjoyed Bible quiz time and delicious food. After the conference, some quit due to several reasons. But God sent us some new students. Missionary Deborah was busy studying an online Korean language course and feeding many girl students through 1:1 Bible study. Sister Kena invited her friend Merapelo to Bible study. Because of Merapelo, her roommate began Bible study. They attended our Sunday worship too. My son Saehan served Sunday worship as a guitarist and my daughter Debora, as a keyboard player. They made a spiritual environment with music. 

  The number of Christians in Botswana increases year by year. Non-Christian boy students are few. However, over 90% of girl students are Christians. But most of them are not taken care of well. One boy student who has attended a church for a long time told me that he did not know why he must confess his sins before people. They need personal faith based on the gospel and the word of God. The students are sponsored 100% by government. They pay nothing for their study and accommodation. They even receive allowance for food, books and transport. But they never say that it is enough. After they graduated, they were able to get a job and they left us. So, I did not know how to care for them. But through Hebrews 7:25 I could find a new hope and courage. Jesus is my high priest who always lives to intercede for me. He knows my needs and my weaknesses. He knows how to feed them and train them. He gives me spiritual power and wisdom to make them his faithful disciples. An event taught me Jesus' intercessory prayer and God's salvation. 

Early in the morning around 2–3am this month, burglars broke into the yard of my house. They broke the first door of the living room, trying to break the second door. Msn. Deborah and I held back the door. Then one of them moved to the windows and tried to break them. Feeling urgency, I kicked and broke the windows with my left leg. At once they ran away. However, when I took back my leg, I saw a deep wound and much blood kept flowing. Later, I realized that my arteries, veins and tendons were cut off. After a one-and-a-half hour surgery, I found myself wearing a cast. Lying in bed, I read Revelations 2. I stopped at the letter the Risen Jesus gave to the church in Smyrna. Jesus told me, "I know your afflictions and your poverty..." This year, God sent many new trainees to my Taekwondo school and increased the income. In the morning, I began a mothers' class with 4 Chinese women. We collected money for the whole family to attend the conference. But many things of the house were broken. I spent lots of money for surgery and hospitalization. I wanted to get out of the hospital as quickly as possible. But Jesus said, "Yet you are rich." I cannot understand this word, asking myself again and agin, "How am I rich?" A couple of days later, I realized that I was rich. God protected my life and my family from danger. In spite of loss of much blood, I did not need a blood transfusion. I still had enough blood in my body. I was rich in God's protection. And some koreans in Botswana and several UBF servants of God gave us material support. Hearing about the event, the owner of the house cancelled two months' house rent, because we were missionaries. I felt rich in men's love and God's love. I also learned that even though it was difficult to raise a disciple of Jesus, God sent us precious students and used us in feeding them with his words. Above all, I could meditate on the love of Jesus, who shed all his blood to forgive my sins. I pray that I may love and serve the students with the love of Jesus. I thank God for all his love and for all that he has done for us throughout this year. 

Prayer topics

1. To raise one ancestor of faith

2. To have 10 true worshippers

3. For my son to study medicine at a university

4. For our permit to be renewed