Latin Coordinators' Conference

  • by WMD
  • Feb 04, 2016
  • 1467 reads

  Latin Coordinators’ annual conference was held in Guayaquil, Ecuador during 27-30th, Jan. The title of the conference was "Pongamos nuestros ojos en Jesus!(Let us fix our eyes on Jesus!)” (Heb 12.1-29). There were 40 attendants from 17 Latin countries (Paraguay and Colombia were absent) including 8 from USA and 1 from Korea; 11 Latin leaders attended with stewardship; 3 of them pioneered Peru, El Salvador and Dominican Republic; 2 of them succeeded Korean missionaries in Guatemala and Caracas, Venezuela.    

  Moses Chang (Belize) delivered the opening message entitled, “Count the stars!” (Gen 15:1-21). God keeps his promises to give many descendants though it may take a long time. But what God really wants is beyond Isaac: Jesus, through whom all people will be blessed. We should focus on God, more than our descendants in our pilgrim life. 

  After dinner, there were 8 mission reports (El Salvador, Panama, Mexico, Bolivia 2, Ecuador, Venezuela, Brazil and Belize). Through their ministry reports, we could see how God abundantly blessed the 4 International regional conferences (which were held last year) and how having these conferences have brought spiritual growth to many countries in Latin America. 

  On the morning of 28th, Gustavo (Caracas, Venezuela) delivered his message, "God restored Elijah" (1 Kings 19). He testified how God also restored him last year with the word of God when he felt burnt out as a successor of Caracas with sicknesses, heavy burden of ministry, self supporting and national economic crisis. Preparing and serving messages, he received the grace of God, and God comforted him. May he be totally restored and serve the ministry of Caracas with the power of God.

  In the afternoon there were 6 Groups discussions' about health, 2nd gen education, finance, self supporting, pioneering and succession of ministry.  About health, stress control is important, and each person needs to develop the proper way to control stress. Especially the workshop about the ministry pioneering and succession among native leaders' group was very meaningful and useful. 

  2 Special lectures, S. David Nam's "Restoration from burnout" and Dr. Paul Hong's "Life Management" were very helpful for all. Pastor David Nam served with his lecture during the Latin America's International Conference in Guatemala, last year too. We invited him to Ecuador to serve the missionaries with a lecture with the topic of Restoration of Relationships. His lecture gave great spiritual reinforcement to our missionaries. Dr. Paul Hong served the missionaries not only with his lecture, but also through having personal conversations and listening to them.

  On 29th, Pastor Abraham Kim delivered (M. Juan Seo as a translator) "Let us fix on Jesus" very powerfully. He said that our lives are unique and so we have to have the true aim of our lives, Jesus Christ. And when we live towards Him and for Him, the Lord himself will help us to complete our race of faith. We pray we may continue our spiritual struggle with perseverance each day, fixing our eyes on Jesus.  

  On 30th, after sharing our testimonies in 4 groups, M. Elias Park (Brazil, Latin Coordinator) gave his closing message, entitled "Jesus is the same forever" (Heb 13). We praised God for being with us forever.

  M. Timoteo Rhee was honored with a plaque of thanks for his many years of service as a Latin coordinator. M. Isaac Cho was ordained newly as a coordinator of Southern Latin Region 2 (Chile, Uruguay and Argentine). With this nomination, now Latin America has 6 regions with 6 coordinators to serve the continent.

  Latin Directors earnestly prayed to pioneer 5 countries (Cuba, Trinidad and Tobago, Bahama, Jamaica, Haiti) and US Puerto Rico by 2020 through co-working with NY chapter.

  The presence of New York chapter (4 people with HQ Latin coordinator David Baik) was of great help and cheer for all Latin missionaries and shepherds who participated in the conference. Next year, Latin coordinators' conference will be held in Belize on 18-21 January, 2017.

  On 1st Feb., after the conference, M. Andre Kim led our 8 missionaries and Gustavo, Katiuska (Venezuela) and Ivan (Guatemala) to spy out Quito, the capital of Ecuador from 5 a.m to 9 p.m to pioneer in God's time. M. Helen Gruett came to Ecuador to be a missionary more than 10 years ago. She returned but she planted prayers.
  Then M. Andre, Hannah Kim came in 2006. This time we went just by faith and looked around the beautiful Universidad Central (Central university),and prayed. May God bless the ministry in Ecuador and of all Latin America.

  We thank God for M. Andre and Hanna Kim (Ecuador) who volunteered to host this conference even though being one house church mission. They sacrificially and excellently served all. May God bless their house church (Joowang (20), Esther (19) and Andre Jr (16)) and Ecuador. 

Thank you for your prayers.

M. Elias Park