Sofia 1 UBF of Bulgaria Annual Report

  • by WMD
  • Jan 29, 2016
  • 1467 reads

To Serve, To Give

Key verse: Mark 10:45 – “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”

Our key verse of 2015 was Luke 6:27 – “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you.”

1. God’s word: During the last year God provided His word-Matthew Gospel. Through this God blessed us to have fellowship with Him to love Him. God blessed also morning time to hear his words and to have prayer time. God blessed us to have Bible reading picnic during last spring and we read all letters of Apostle Paul. God sent in this bible reading picnic shepherdess KangJin-hee and Shin Joy from Korea – Jongro center.

2. The new house church: After historical first house church of shep. Georgi and Heather in Bulgaria in December 2011, God established new house church; God blessed shep. Lachezar and shepherdess Shin Joy to have house church during last summer in Seoul. They are faithful man and woman of God to love God. God blessed them through many coworkers of God’s mission in Seoul and Europe. God blessed shep. Lachezar to have fellowship with God’s young people in Europe during the EYC „Encounter” last summer before wedding ceremony in Seoul. He attended the EYC as one a messenger with John 3:16. In November missionary Joy Sarah Shin arrived in Sofia. God blessed this house church as giving a wonderful new job to shep. Lachezar.

3. Faithful spiritual struggle of shepherdess Denitza Krasteva: God blessed shepherdess Denitza to struggle with faith and to remain in Jesus. Her house church was not established, but she struggled by faith and studied the Bible and prayed. She served her parents with her brother shep. Lachezar every week by studying the Bible with them during last year.

4. Jr. Hannah K. graduated Sorbonne University: God blessed jr. Hannah K. to finish her study in Sorbonne University last summer and come back to Bulgaria. God blessed her life in Paris to have victory over herself in hard situations.  Jr. CathyKang is struggling in SNU to live by faith and she prays to graduate after one year.

5. New candidates of Jesus’ disciples: God blessed sister Tvetomira to study the Bible faithfully during last year since 2013. Now she is a 3rd year in Sofia University. God blessed brother Dobromir to study the Bible faithfully from July last year. He is a diligent Maths undergraduate in Sofia University. There are 5 more Bible students.

6. New mission fields: God blessed msn. JamesKang to receive Ph.D. degree in Sofia University last spring and to be a lecturer at Veliko Turnovo University and at Plovdiv University from last academic year. Veliko Turnovo was the capital of the Second Bulgarian kingdom during 12th-14th century. The city is called "The King’s town" as 22 kings reigned there. Plovdiv is the second-largest city of Bulgaria and it is located in the middle of the country.

7. KCC: God blessed KCC through serving and love of msn. CathyKang. God enhanced msn. CathyKang to focus and serve every sister and brother, coming to study Korean language with her heart. She has a good relationship with everyone who is coming to KCC.

8. Prayer topics for 2016:

1. Every sister and brother to follow Jesus’ example to serve and to give.

2. Every brother and sister to serve one person in Jesus.

3. Shep. Lachezar to grow as a shepherd and messenger.

4. To raise one Abraham of faith in each of the 10 main campuses in Bulgaria by the year 2020.
