2016 Asia Directors’ Conference Report by Peter Lee

  • by WMD
  • Jan 28, 2016
  • 1544 reads


The UBF Asia Directors’ Conference was held Jan.7-9, 2016 in Jakarta, Indonesia with the theme, "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus," with 71 people from 16 Asian countries. We praise and thank God for strengthening all the attendees with the abundant work of the Holy Spirit through the word of God, including 5 Group Bible Studies on the book of Hebrews. 

On the first day, Sh.Ki-Sung Um gave us an opening introductory message based on the whole book of Hebrews regarding its core subjects in the book, followed by GBS in 4 groups. Lecture 1 was "Jesus Who Tasted Suffering and Death" (Heb 1:1-2:18). Lecture 2 was "Jesus the Great High Priest" (3:1-5:10).

On the second day, right after GBS on Heb.12, there was a main lecture, "Fix your eyes on Jesus" given by P.Abraham Kim (UBF General Director). We learned that in order to finish our race of faith we must fix our eyes on Jesus, who is the perfecter of our faith in every situation.

After lunch, we all wrote and shared graceful testimonies based on the grace we received through the main lecture. We all decided to fix our eyes on Jesus our Lord so that we will finish the race of faith in every difficult situation. In the evening, there was Lecture 3, "Jesus the Everlasting Priest" (Heb 5:11-7:28). 

On the last morning, after GBS, there was Lecture 4, "Christ's Sacrifice Once For All" (Heb 8:1-10:39). M.Peter Lee (Asia Continental Coordinator) delivered the closing message, "Jesus Christ is the Same Yesterday and Today and Forever" (Heb 13). He stressed that Jesus Christ will never change for he is the living God, who is the same yesterday, today and forever. He encouraged all attendees to have faith in God, overcoming by faith all difficulties in raising disciples in each mission field. 

On Sunday, after finishing the conference, all overseas guests and all Indonesia UBF members gathered (total 170 people) and worshiped the Lord at the Depok UBF center. The Sunday message, "Be Taken Forward to Maturity in Faith" (Heb 5:1-6:20) was powerfully given by Sh.David Kim (Korea UBF Director). 

Afterward all the guests went to visit UI campus (top university in Indonesia) which is the major pioneering campus of Depok UBF. We earnestly prayed together for the pioneering work and for raising disciples in Indonesia. 

I thank God for providing us a suitable and quiet conference place with low cost at a 4-star hotel near the airport, beyond our expectation due to the heavy traffic condition in Indonesia. I also thank God for seven UBF chapters in Indonesia and their sacrifice to serve the conference with one heart that made the conference succeed. 

During the conference God newly raised M.Joshua Kim as National Coordinator of Indonesia UBF. I pray that we may make a loving unity under his leadership in Indonesia. 

Personally I praise and thank God for enabling me to serve the conference and finish it well by his grace, though it was my first job since I became the Asia Continental Director. When I look back my life, by God's grace I served God for 25 1/2 years in Korea, and also 25 1/2 years in Indonesia. Now I reached the milestone of my life to start the third stage of my mission journey as the Asia Continental Coordinator. Apostle Paul said, "Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it." I pray that I may run fixing my eyes on Jesus our Lord, the perfecter of faith, until I receive the victorious crown, overcoming all difficulties with faith that pleases the Lord. I also pray that in the future, Jesus our Lord may give the victorious crown to all the UBF coworkers who are serving the Lord day and night in Asia.