Continuing Missionary Education in Asian Countries

Period: Feb 01, 2016 ~ Mar 20, 2016

  • by UBF HQ
  • Jan 18, 2016
  • 35 reads

CME Schedule (Dr. John & Sarah Jun): 

  1.  Feb 1-7: Singapore
  2.  Feb 8-14: Cambodia
  3.  Feb 15-21: India (New Delhi)
  4.  Feb 22-28: India (Bangalore) 
  5.  Feb 29-Mar 6: India (Chennai)
  6.  Mar 7-13: Sri-Lanka
  7.  Mar 14-20: Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City)

Prayer Topics:

  • Powerful word of God.
  • Smooth connection and travel.
  • Good health.