Dominican Republic UBF 2015 by M. Jorge Antonio

  • by WMD
  • Jan 14, 2016
  • 1511 reads

Thank you Heavenly Father for your Son Jesus Christ our Savior who humbly came in a manger, died for us, and rose again on the third day as the Everlasting King. I pray that in His grace we may continue to serve His redemptive work with the love of Christ. Amen.

I. The Lord helps us remain in Him.

Our key verse for 2015 was Matthew 6:33, “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.” Overall, we did not lack the word of God and I thank God because we always had food for our daughters and my wife. He provided the means so that we could take them to their therapy, the doctor, conduct tests, and pay for their medication. 

For the first time, I participated in the Central American conference in Guatemala. I served the closing message based on John 15:5, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” I recognized that I was living as a weak branch that should be cut off. But God in His mercy fed me His word through weekly message preparation, as well as serving my family and His flock with His word. 

My youngest daughter, Daniela, was diagnosed with autism, but the neurologist thinks she has a biochemical problem in the brain that hinders her from developing her speech as well as her brain. We need to constantly watch over her because at any moment she can do something. Currently Daniela receives two types of medication and she must undergo various therapies. She needs to receive Special Education, but due to our poor economic state we send her to a public school. It has been difficult because in reality she has not integrated herself with the group and they have accepted her only due to the all inclusive educational law. We thank God because Daniela can be among other children and begin to grow.

Missionary Isabel was very sad due to the death of one of her sisters. It was difficult for her to overcome this, but in God’s word she has received consolation. 

During our Worship Service, at least one or two Bible students have participated. Leonardy remained faithful to one-to-one Bible study. He is a Chemical Engineering student    . I serve him with the hope that he may be raised as a disciple of Jesus. We are currently serving our Worship Service through the study of Luke’s Gospel and the Epistles of Timothy.  

We served the Christmas Worship Service with the title “Good News of Great Joy” (Luke 2:10-11). We rejoiced over the birth of our Savior Jesus. We are thankful for the participation of Samuel and Clementina’s family, and one Bible student, Leonardy. 

I work as a street vender near the University. I sell women’s accessories, umbrellas, socks, etc. I have felt terrible with back pains so bad that I could barely get up. But in spite of this, through God’s word I have kept the vision and purpose God has given me. I thank God for Jesus who died on the cross for me and saved me, and for having received the calling of missionary life in the Dominican Republic. 

Thanksgiving Topics: 

I thank God for our coworkers in Guadalajara UBF. Through their prayer and offering they have helped me serve Santo Domingo and pay the rent of our apartment. I am thankful to Missionary Juan Baek of Venezuela who encouraged and comforted us through his visits to the Dominican Republic. I am also thankful for one Bible student, Leonardy, who has remained faithful to Bible study and Worship Service. Thank God for His provision and grace that enables this sinner to remain as a missionary and shepherd in the Dominican Republic. 

II. Vision and Prayer Topics for 2016.

My key verse for 2016 is 2Timothy 2:3-4, “ You therefore  must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier.” We realize that we are soldiers of Christ. To live as good soldiers we must struggle against sin to the point of shedding blood. We need to be strong in God’s grace, suffer hardship with Christ, not entangle ourselves in the things of this world, correctly handle the word of truth, and present ourselves as workmen approved by God. I pray that in this way we may please God who called us as soldiers. 

Prayer Topics for 2016:

1) Sunday Worship Service message through mediation and prayer,

2) Establish a Bible House near UASD,

3) Establish an Abraham and Sarah of faith,

4) Raise 12 disciples of Jesus, 

5) Establish my own business,

6) Establish myself as a self-supporting missionary,

7) Complete development of Daniela’s brain,

8) Permanent visa for Missionary Isabel and Eunice.

One Word: Be a Good Solider of Christ!