2016 Africa New Year Director's Conference

  • by WMD
  • Jan 12, 2016
  • 1471 reads

2016 Africa New Year conference was held on 25th through 27th in Cape Town, South Africa with 12 African country missionaries and leaders. Shepherd Daniel Rhee delivered the opening address, “I have come to bring fire.” We prayed that Jesus brings the fire of the word of God in our hearts by accepting one word deeply in the conference. 

Missionary Mark Yoon, Kenya UBF delivered lecture 1, “The Law will go out from Zion.” In the message, we could see the vision that Africa becomes the mountain of God’s temple which is the Bible center many African young people stream to with our Bible study ministry. Pastor Abraham Kim delivered main message 2, “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus.” We prayed that we live a faithful and fruitful mission life only by fixing our eyes on Jesus always. There are many difficulties and problems in Africa. However, we could overcome all the situation and live a victorious life only by fixing our eyes on Jesus in the New Year. We listened to Dr. Paul Koh’s beautiful life testimony in the first day. We were impressed due to his life of obedience in his testimony. Shepherd Changwon Kim, Kwanak I center in Korea gave us the special lecture “Trinitarian Pneumatology for formation holy community.” We listened to excellent lecture about the work of the Holy Spirit. Shepherd Moses Yoon, Korean representative of Africa, introduced the plan of the upcoming World Mission Report and the missionary and leaders’ conference which will be held in Korea during announcement time after the special lecture. And shepherd Andries Coetsee delivered Sunday worship message on the last day. We had a special prayer time to bless Dr. Livingstone Kang who became the new director of Makerere UBF, Uganda, succeeding Dr. Luke Lim who served the center as a director for the last 15 years after the Sunday worship service.